Chapter 19 - We are all still alive, babe

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Today is the day, my first day as the official doctor to the Avengers. I am so stressed right now, the Medibay is a mess. Nothing is organised, the files on all the Avengers are seriously out of date and all of the place. I could kill my Dad right now, just as I think that My Dad and Buck walk in smiling. I don't know what they are so happy about.

'Hey A, is everything alright?' Dad smiles. 'I could swing for you right now, Dad' He looks really confused, as does Bucky, 'Why?'

'The records are all wrong. None of the Avengers have had a medical check-up for God knows how long.' I sigh, slamming the paperwork in my hand on the desk. 'We are all still alive, babe' Bucky laughs, it really isn't funny. 'I know but what you do it dangerous and if you are not at your peak health then it makes it more dangerous, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.'

'Do you need anything?' My dad asks as he comes over hugging me, to be fair I needed that. 'Actually can you email all of the medical records for the current Avengers and their family members please' He nods and gets his phone out. Bucky looks really confused, 'Why do you need all of those records?'

'So I can check if your parents had any medical diseases and if they are hereditary also if they impact on your health and job. Oh, and Dad I am going to be giving all of the Avengers a medical checkup every two weeks to make sure everything is ok.' Dad smiles, 'Cool when are you going to start?'

'I am going to start next week, then it gives me a week to get my things together so I can concentrate on my job' I am going to have to order more supplies there is hardly anything here. I am so stressed. Clearly Bucky can tell as he comes over to hug me and kisses me on the top of my head.

'You are amazing, babe', I just laugh. 'I know, babe' he shakes his head while laughing as well. 'You really are a Stark'. The three of us just laugh. 'I can't decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Right, you boys need to get out so I can carry on with my work'

They both sigh 'Fine just don't work too hard.' Bucky kisses me. 'I can't promise anything. It would have been easier if all the records were already sorted'. Dad puts his hand up to surrender 'Ok, I'm sorry I didn't realise how unorganized it was down here'

'It will be organized by the end of the day, even if it kills me, which I think it might' Bucky laughs hugging me tighter than before 'You are doing amazing. Stop worrying and be the best Doctor I know you can be'. That man melts my heart so much. 'I love you Mr. Barnes'. He smiles, 'I love you too Dr. Fitzroy'

'If you don't mind, I am going borrow a sick bowl to throw up now' My Dad fake gags as I just shake my head at his infantile behaviour. 'Oh shut up, Dad. Now both of you get out and leave me to my work' I practically push them out of the door before they can say bye. I close the door and turn around to the enormous piles of paperwork. No rest for the wicked. 

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