Chapter 6 - She is my daughter

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I walk into the waiting room and see all of the Avengers standing their waiting the news. As I look at all of them, I clock eyes with Nat and Wanda they just look down in shame, as they should.

'Is he going to be, ok?' Steve is the first one to speak

'He is, the surgery went well. He will need to have around 6 weeks recovery time and make sure he is healed before he starts doing anything too dangerous and active'

'Ok, thank you so much Dr.' Uncle Rhodey says smiling as everyone else releases a sigh of relief

'It's ok, it is my job.'

'Can we see him?' Bruce asks still looking concerned

'Of course, his room is 4563, it is just past the nurse's station and the 3rd door on your left. I will show you, don't worry.'

'Thanks' Bruce replies. I start to feel nervous as I look at my Dad as I know he is about to tell them about me. I nod at him so he knows I am still ok with it and I try to conceal my nerves

'What's going on here?' Bruce asks as he looks suspiciously at my Dad and I

'What do you mean?' Dads said as he acts confused

'That look you just gave each other. Do you know each other?'

'Yes, we do actually' Dad confirms

'How?' Pietro pipes up

'She is my daughter' Dad announces. Everyone looks at both of us in pure shock. It is really funny actually

'Well, I wasn't expecting that. Is it true?' Pietro looks at me for answers

'Yes, it is'

'Who knew?' Bruce asks looking confused and annoyed at Dad

'Rhodey and Steve'

'Oh wow, is Pepper your mom?' Bruce asks the question I was most dreading

'My stepmom but she basically raised me. My mom died when I was younger'

'I'm sorry' Bruce looks at me with sympathy

'Don't apologise, it is one of those things. Anyway, do you want me to take you to Mr Barton's room?' Changing the subject really quickly

'Yes please, Dr. Fitzroy'

'Oh, please call me Anya'

'I thought you hated Anya' My dad looks at me smiling

'Yeah, but Fitzroy isn't exactly any better' I never liked my name growing up but as I have gotten older I love it more and more mainly as I was named after my mom. It is one of the only things I have left to remember her by.

'You could be a Stark' My dad answers back to me but he has always understood why I kept my name and supported me 100 percent

'God Dad don't make it worse.'

'What is wrong with being a Stark. People would know that you are related to me.'

'That is exactly the problem' Me, my Dad, and the Avengers all just start to laugh

'Wow sometimes I forget how similar you too are' Uncle Rhodey says

'Thanks Uncle Rhodey, I can't tell if that is a compliment or not.'

'Neither can I' He says as everyone starts to laugh again. I open the door and lead them to Clint's room

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