Chapter 12 - I never forget a face

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Trigger Warning – Rape and abuse. If this topic makes you feel uncomfortable please skip this chapter or approach with caution. This is a safe space, any and all hate is removed. I love you 3000 all and stay safe

Everyone's set and ready in their places, all of the other guests are out of the way so they are less likely to get hurt. Bucky and I walk down the stairs seeing and empty hall other than two people ... Cassy and Rumlow.

'Aren't you going outside for the fireworks?' I ask slightly sarcastically

'I don't think so' Cassy shakes her head. God I just want to knock her head right off her shoulders

'Oh, it is a lovely display but you didn't come for that, did you, Cassandrella?' She looks taken a back

'How did you know?'

'I never forget a face, especially one that killed my mom'

'She deserved it'

'I beg to differ but that is an argument I don't want to get into right now. So, what do you want?'

'You' She just smirks I knew she was going to say that but I hoped it was something else


'The usual'

'What the usual order of tortures and abuse with a side order of mental and physical pain'

'In a nutshell, yeah'

'Well, what if I don't want to come?' I am not going to lie I really don't want to go

'We will make you come' Rumlow speaks up while pulling his gun out of his pocket. I can't help but laugh at his lame excuse of intimidation 'It is cute that you think I am scared of you. I am scared of many things, the dark, needles, spiders but you don't scare me.'

'Do you remember what tomorrow is?' I was hoping she wasn't going to bring tomorrow up

'Of course, I do. I couldn't forget'

'Do your little Avenger friends know about it?' How the hell would I tell them?

'No one knows other than the 4 people in this room but I am not ashamed'

'I would be, I mean you are nothing more than a cheap ass whore' Well that hurt

'Getting raped and falling pregnant doesn't make me a whore it makes you me a victim and a grieved mother however, that makes you, Rumlow a rapist and killer'

'I have nothing to do with it.' Rumlow denies it, he always did but it was

'Of course, not and I am the Pope'

'I don't know what you are talking about' He denies it again

'Well considering you are the only one who ever touched me that way then clearly you are the one at fault here but I know you don't like to take responsibility. You know on his death certificate; the cause of death should have your name on it'

'Well, it doesn't, it has yours' I am starting to lose my patience

'Right enough of this trivia bullshit, what do you want?'

'We have already told you; we want you.' Rumlow says with a creepy smirk on his face. I can't go back, I can't do it again

'Well tough because that isn't happening' Bucky speaks up with his fists clenched

'He is right, it isn't happening. Now if you don't might I am going to enjoy the party and the flashy fireworks' That was the code phrase, out of nowhere the Avengers come out from their hiding places. I pulled off my jacket to reveal my suit. There were other Hydra agents but the others took them out before while I was distracting Cassy and Rumlow. I took on Cassy which was pretty easy, while Bucky took on Rumlow and they were unconscious within minutes. All I can think about is my little boy.

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