Chapter 10 - Do you need a spare room?

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It is a couple of days later and everything is going great. My Relationship with Bucky is going amazing in every aspect (if you get my drift) but I haven't seen him much as he has had missions. I have seen my Mom and Dad since plus I have met up with the Avengers too. Work has been incredibly busy but that is nothing unusual. The next few days I have off, I have them off every year. Tonight, I am going to a party at the Avengers compound which I am excited about, I wasn't going to go but Nat and Wanda begged me so I agreed in the end. Bucky and I arrive and walk into the compound together, it is a beautiful place.

'You know this is our first proper party as a couple' I whisper to Buck as I grab his hand

'I didn't know that. Well, I am excited, plus the team don't know about us yet so it would be cool if they knew' He has a point, it would make life easier to be fair. 'We could spend more time together in front of people' he gets closer to my ear 'but also behind closed doors' Oh My God, I think I have just died and gone to heaven. Come on Anya, pull yourself together and play hard to get, you know how much he loves that.

'Well Mr. Barnes if you play your cards right tonight then I may have a little surprise for you later' I don't know what that surprise is yet but I will figure it out.

'Or we could just miss the party' Bucky suddenly gets excited. Not so fast big guy. 'I don't think so, good things come to those that wait' I kiss him and walk off over to the bar where Nat, Steve and Bruce are looking at Bucky and I.

'Hello Miss Fitzroy, would you like a cocktail? Nat says smiling

'Oh, I would love one thanks Miss. Romanoff' She must have read my mind, after my encounter with Bucky just, I need a drink to calm down.

'So, you and Bucky' Nat raises her eyebrows

'What about me and Bucky?' I know that they saw us

'Don't act dumb how long have you been together?' Bruce looks at Nat with how forward she is being and just laughs

'About a year'

'Wow, that is a long time for us not to know' As I go to answer her, Steve interjects 'I knew'.

'How' Bruce furrows his brows. 'I caught them out together one night while I was doing surveillance on someone in the city'

Bucky walks behind me, wraps his arms around me and shakes his head at Steve smiling 'In other words, he was spying on me'

'I wasn't spying on you' Steve shakes his head. 'See, I agree with Bucky. I think you were' I know he wasn't but I love winding Steve up it is so easy

'Shut up, short sticks' I pretend to be hurt but what he says 'Whatever you say, spangles'

'You are so much like your dad' Bruce laughs while taking a sip of his drink. 'I know, my mom always used to say that' As I say that Bucky hugs me tighter

'How did your mom and dad meet?' Bruce asks genuinely

'They met through work; my mom was a SHIELD agent but she gave up her job when I was born to keep us safe however that didn't quite work out'

'Oh, what do you mean?' Nat asks concerned. God I love talking about my Mom but I hate talking about this part of our life. 'My mom helped to infiltrate HYDRA way back when but they were always after her and eventually they caught up with her and kill her. They also caught and kidnapped me when I was 16'

'Oh Anya, I am sorry'

'I never knew. I am so sorry' Steve puts a hand on my shoulder. 'It is ok, I don't really talk about it. No one really knows about it other than Bucky and my Dad.'

'I don't know what to say. I know how tough people like HYDRA can be if you ever want to talk about it, I am here to listen' Bruce smiles at me.

'Thanks Bruce, that means a lot' He just nods at me

'We are all here for you, A' Bucky says kissing me on the head. Nat, Steve, and Bruce say the same thing. These people are so kind and understanding. I think because we have all been through similar things. I believe that they actually get how I feel, maybe I can tell them everything. 'Hey sweetie' My Dad pulls me out of my thoughts with a hug. 'I didn't see you come in. How long have you been here?'

'Hey Dad, I haven't been here long. I have only been here for about 10 minutes'

'Hey Bucky, I haven't seen the last 2 days, how was the mission?' He has been trying to be nice to Bucky since I told him about our relationship. To be honest, I think Pepper threatened him

'It was good, very busy but good I got all the info needed' Bucky nodded drinking his whiskey

'That is what we like to hear. Anya, What time do you need to get back?' Dad turns his attention back to me 'Really dad, I have just got here. I don't have work tomorrow so I am staying over here tonight'

'Do you need a spare room?' No Dad, I don't. I have big things planned don't ruin this for me. 'No, it is fine, I will sleep in the same room as Bucky' I give him a smile, hoping he won't murder me or Bucky

'Over my dead body', Oh here we go. My night of bliss has been destroyed. 'Dad, you do realise we have been together for a year now so we have slept in the same bed before. Nothing is going to happen plus I am 24 not 14.'Please God.

'Fine, but no funny business' Yay!! 'Especially as Bucky's room is next to mine and I would like a good sleep' Steve laughs. 'We are not going to do anything, I promise' Bucky says winking at me.

'Good, that is what I like too hear. Oh Cassandra, over here' Dad responds luckily not seeing what Bucky did, Steve and Nat did though as they can't stop laughing

'Hey Tony' This lady walks over towards us. She looks so familiar but I can't place it. 'Cassy, this is my daughter Anya. Anya, this is my new assistant Cassy' She smiles as she offers her hand out and I shake it. 'Hey, Anya it is lovely to meet you'

'Likewise, have we met before you just look familiar' I swear I know her, maybe from school. 'I don't believe we have but you never know' She smiles, I have a bad feeling about her.

'True, at the end of the day it is a small world, isn't it?'

'It really is, especially with social media. Though saying that I couldn't name my neighbour'

'I could name mine and they are arseholes' I hate my neighbours so much. 'They are horrible' Bucky confirms nodding. 'Why?' Bruce looks confused

'I don't know why they are so horrible considering I saved his life. He had a heart attack in the street and went into cardiac arrest. I had to resuscitate him and intubate him in the middle of the street with only the equipment I had in the house. Then I took him into the hospital and assisted during his triple heart bypass. Didn't even say thank you, ungrateful sods'

'They sound like nasty pieces of work. But you know what they say you never really know a person' Oh my God, it's her. She is back, this isn't good. I recognise her. She can't know that I know

'That is true. Nat, do you want to come with me to powder my nose' Smiling at her but pleading with her to come with my eyes.

'Why not?' She nods thank God. 'You alright doll?' Bucky looks at me with love. I am not going to let her hurt us again.

'Of course, I am babe, I will be back in a minute' I rub my left ear, which is our signal to tell each other that something is wrong. He immediately kisses me. I smile at him as I walk off to the toilets with Nat. I hope everything is going to be ok. 

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