Chapter 14 - James

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It is the next morning and I wake up immediately remembering the events of last night. I start to worry and panic but Bucky snuggles more into me and automatically relax into him. I love this man so much

'Morning Beautiful' He whispers in his raspy morning voice which immediately makes feel things. 'Morning Bucky Bear' I whisper back to him, holding him tightly like I never want to let go. To be honest I don't.

'How are you feeling?' He asks with concern in his eyes. 'Ok, I guess. Just a bit shaken after last night'

'I know but I am here to support you and help you if you need it'

'You know what I need right now'

'What?' He says using his hand to brush my hair out of my face. 'A Bucky cuddle'

'I think I can manage that baby. I love you' He says laughing holding my tighter 'I love you too'. I move to get comfortable hugging my man but all I can think about is Hydra. Why can't they just leave me alone? Especially today, why can't they just let me have this day to think about and grieve over my boy. I start to get emotional so I bury my head into Buck's shoulder and cry. 'Oh baby, its ok'

'Why are they still after me? Why can't they just leave me alone?'

'I don't know, doll but I promise that I will never let anything happen to you. None of us will' he starts to get emotional himself as he hugs me tighter, 'I know. I'm sorry for getting sad'.

'It is ok, beautiful. It is going to be a hard day, it always is. How about we cuddle a bit longer then go for walk and just chill today.'

'I'd like that, I need to talk to my dad at some point as well. He was really upset last night and I want to make sure he is ok.' I know my Dad and he is probably blaming himself and that is the last thing I want. 'Ok baby'

We have been cuddling about 10 minutes in a relaxing, comfortable silence. Then I have an idea... 'I also have an idea of something else we can do today.'

'What do you want to do baby?' Bucky looks down at me. 'Well ...' I turn myself over so I am on top of Bucky, straddling him. His eyes go wide as I start to grind, painfully slow against his member. He lets out a deep groan, 'It sounds like someone likes my idea'. I move faster and moan involuntarily escape my mouth. Bucky puts his hand on my waist and stops me. I know what he is about to ask. 'Are you sure about this, babe?'

'Yes, babe. I want you, all of you' Please hurry up Bucky. 'Well then, your wish is my command'. He smirks at starts to touch me, I don't think so 'Oh, so someone things he is in control'

I always am' He give me that beautiful smile but I am going to stand my ground. 'Are you sure about that?' As I say that Bucky rolls us over so he is on top and has my hands pinned about my head, Jesus this man is a God.

'I am, you should know by now I am always in charge when it comes to our extracurricular activities. So, Miss Fitzroy, would you care to me join me in the shower?' Obviously. 'I would love too, James' As soon as I called him James, his eyes got darker. In one movement he picked me up and takes me to the bathroom. All I can do is laugh and smile. I love this man so much. 

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