Chapter 2 - Friends in high places?

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Once we arrive at the ambulance bay, it is the wait for the emergency to actually arrive. Merely seconds after Meredith and I arrive Dr Hunt stands next to us with the paperwork ready to fill us in about the upcoming emergency

'What have we got?' I ask

'A male multiple GSW with stab wounds in his late twenties'

'Any idea what happened?' Meredith interjects

'This is between us but apparently it is one of the Avengers. They were on a mission and he got hurt. As you can probably understand, they don't want the world to know so that is why we will be the only people working on this case. Is that ok with you guys?' Hunt says as stern as ever as dread fills with me

'Yeah, that is fine but do you know which one it is?' What if is Bucky or Steve or worse what if it is Dad

'Does it matter Fitzroy?' Hunt asks me looking at me confused

'No, not really, I just know someone who works for them and just wanted to make sure that it wasn't them' I lie. I can't exactly say it is because 'my dad is Tony Stark', can I?

'Well, I didn't know you had friends in such high places' He couldn't be more wrong even though I have never met the Avengers before it is dangerous. I can't let what happened to my Mom happen again

'Oh, Dr Hunt you wouldn't believe' I lie again. I need to stop lying I am getting too good at it. Suddenly I hear the sirens of the ambulance getting closer and closer until they pull into the pit. The doors swing open and to my relief I see a guy I recognise as Clint lying on the stretcher in agony and Steve and Nat sitting next to him in the ambulance looking like a deer in headlights

'Ok, what have we got?'

'Right, this is Clint Barton, he is 33. He has 2 GSWs, one to his upper right shoulder and the other one to his upper thigh and multiple stab wounds to his lower abdomen. At the moment, there is no evidence that they have hit any vital organs.' Andy answers. Bless him, Clint looks like he really lost that battle epically but Steve and Nat don't look great either

'Ok thanks, let's get him to trauma bay 2' Dr Hunt announces. I follow them into the room but Steve and Nat tap on my shoulder looking concerned. Right here comes my best acting, just remember you don't know Steve or Uncle Rhodey, you don't know Bucky, he isn't your boyfriend and Tony Stark isn't your dad

'Is he going to be, ok?' Nat asks with so much concern in her voice

'We are going to do everything we can. I will keep you updated when we know anything' I try to reassure her and Steve who is standing next to her smiling at me

'Thank you'

'Is there anyone that you want us to call?

'No thank you. We have already called them. Can you tell me the nearest toilets?'

'Of course, just down the corridor second left. The waiting room is the first left.' I answer with a smile

'Thank you, Dr ... sorry I didn't get your name'

'Dr Fitzroy, Anya Fitzroy'

'Thank you, Dr Fitzroy' Nat smiles at she leaves

'Does your Dad and Bucky know that this is the hospital you work at?' Steve says once he checks that no one can hear us. In other words he has activated Captain Mode

'Yeah, they do. Are they on their way?'

'I believe so, yeah. Who else knows about you?'

'Only you, Dad, and Rhodey. My dad doesn't know that Buck knows'

'When are you going to tell him?'

'I was going to tell him this weekend but I know he isn't going to like it'

'You never know'

'Oh yes, I do, Steve. My dad can't get over the fact that Buck killed my grandparents and before you say anything I don't blame him. It was HYDRA, he didn't know what he was doing but my dad doesn't see it that way he doesn't understand what it is like to be controlled by HYDRA' I state defending my Buck

'And you do?' Steve looks intrigued but also worried

'You would be surprised Rogers. Anyway, I need to go and do my job.' Please don't ask anymore Steve, I can't talk about it know or ever

'Ok, keep us updated'

'I will.' I give him a reassuring smile as I walk into the room where Hunt and Meredith are working on Clint

'Good of you to join us Fitzroy' the sarcastic arsehole says

'Sorry I was just updating and talking to the family'

'Fine, can you go and book me an OR because we are going to have to stitch up these wounds but he seems to be holding well we have ordered tests and a CT to make sure there is no other damage we can't see.'

'Ok I will go and do that'

'After you have done that inform the family then scrub in, I want to take charge of this surgery.' Did he just say I can scrub in? Yay I love surgery, I love the excitement, the danger, the thrill.

'Thank you, Dr Hunt' I smile as I leave the room. Now I am on mission don't let anyone know who you are 

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