Chapter 20 - 20% chance is still a big percentage

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It is 6 months later and not a lot has really happened. My Dad has found a new assistant who isn't a psychopath with as you can imagine is great news. All of the other Avengers are ok, still alive and thriving. Talking about thriving, my relationship with Bucky is doing amazingly. He is the best boyfriend, I could ask for, I love him so much.

'Hey bestie, how are you' Wanda says walking into the Medibay pulling me out of my thoughts about Bucky. It is a good job otherwise I would have had to schedule a private meeting with Bucky ... again. 'I am good thanks just trying some lose ends together, what about you?'

'I'm good thanks, it is just that time of the month. Do you have any paracetamol?' Wanda sighs. 'Yeah of course, I will get them for you' I get my keys out of my desk and walk toward the cabinet thinking about periods they can be painful. Wait when was my last period ... Oh no.

'Shit' Wanda looks at me confused. 'What's wrong?' I turn to look at her 'I have missed a period' Her face drops, 'Oh my God, wait I didn't think you could have kids?' She is right maybe I am overthinking this. 'There is a 20% chance I could but an 80% chance I can't.' Wanda looks at me, '20% chance is still a big percentage'

'This is the thing; I have always been regular as clockwork every 4 weeks since I was 12 even during and after HYDRA' She looks intrigued. 'When was your last period?' I don't know. 'Let me check'. I get my phone out and check, this can't be happening, 'My past period was 3 months ago' Wanda's eyes widen and she starts to look excited. 'Holy Jesus, you need to take a test now'

I just sigh, I can't get me hopes up, not again. 'It will probably be negative. I have always accepted that I will not be able to have kids and now I might be pregnant. I am so scared, I don't know what to think' Wanda comes over and hugs me 'It is going to be ok. Bucky will support you' She is right, he will be the best Dad 'I know, he has always wanted to be a dad and he will be a great one.'

'Hey, what is going on?', Nat walks in with her formidable Black Widow smirk on her face. 'Anya might be pregnant', Nat's face drops at Wanda's outburst. 'What? I thought you couldn't have kids' I just look at her, 'It is highly unlikely but I haven't had a period for 3 months'

'Oh my God, have you tested yet?' Nat is starting to look as excited as Wanda. 'I am about to' Nat looks at the 2 test on the table, picks them up and hands them to me. 'Don't be nervous, whatever happens it will be ok. Now go and test.' Both of the girls look at me with a kind smile. 'I couldn't have said it better myself'

I take the test from Nat and head into the toilet, here goes nothing. Oh my God what if I am pregnant, I will be the happiest person in the world. Soon I might be a mom but what is even better is that soon Bucky might be a Dad. Right I have finished peeing on the sticks.

'How long do have to wait?' Wanda asks as impatient as ever. '3 minutes' The longest 3 minutes of my life. 'Out of interest, when did you realise you might be pregnant?' Nat asks thoughtfully. 'I came in for some paracetamol because it is my time of the month and then Anya realised that she hasn't had on for 3 months' Wanda beats me to it to answer Nat's question.

'I still don't understand how you have only just realised that you are 3 months late' Nat is still as shocked as me. 'I have been a bit preoccupied with work plus Bucky and I always use protection. It is very rare that we don't', then the penny drops. 'Oh hold on', the girls look at me in anticipation of what I am about to say.

'3 months ago it was Bucky's birthday and as a treat, I booked a weekend away in the mountains. That was a really good weekend' I smile thinking about that weekend. It was a great weekend, that man is a God. 'I don't think you need to say anything else' Nat smirks. 'I wasn't going to; all you need to know is that it was one of the best weekends of my life.'

The timer goes off, 'Right I need to check the tests'. I am so scared; I take a deep breath and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. 'It will be ok' Nat offers me a kind smile as well as Wanda. I walk over to the table, look at the tests and burst into tears. 'I'm pregnant'

'Congratulations, I am so happy for you' Wanda practically screams in excitement as her and Nat hug me. 'I am so excited but so scared, I need to talk to Bucky' I start to panic, what is he going to say. 'It is all going to be ok, you just need to go to tell Bucky and don't worry he is going to be excited.'

'You are right, thanks for your support' I share a smile to Nat and Wanda as I leave the Medibay. I am going to be a Mom

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