Chapter 7 - What is a GSW?

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I show the Avengers to the into the room that Clint is in, he is still under from the surgery. The others gather around his bed as I check his vitals to make sure that he is recovering well.

'You know when you were in the surgery' My dad asks with that look on his face and suddenly I know exactly what he is going to say

'Yeah' I nod waiting for him to finish

'You were talking to the other Dr about your love life' I knew he was about to mention my love life

'Oh god, you heard that then' Oh no

'Why didn't you tell me? When did you get a man? Who is he? Is he nice? Do I need to kill him?' Here comes all of the questions

'You are really asking why she didn't tell you when you react like that' Uncle Rhodey says what we are all thinking at this point

'He has a point, if you and Mom want to meet him, I will bring him round tomorrow for dinner. Is that, ok?' As I say that to Dad, I look around at Bucky and he just gives me a reassuring smile

'Ok fine' As I smile at my Dad, I notice Clint starting to wake up. I immediately go to his side and push a button and check his stats

'Is he waking up?' Steve asks looking hopeful

'He sure is' I say as a nurse comes in

Is everything ok? She asks

'Yes, can you page Dr. Hunt please. Tell him that the male multiple GSW is coming round but I want him to check the vitals and stats to make sure that he isn't going into a post-op fever'

'Of course, Dr. Fitzroy' She replies smiling at me. I smile back at her as she leaves the room

'I am going to pretend I understood that' Bucky says with that cheeky smile of his

'I am not going to lie I don't really understand either but I am hoping it is good' Steve laughs

'It is fine you don't need to understand it, as long as I understand it, it is fine' I smiles at both of them

'To be fair, I would be really confused with all of the abbreviations you use' Pietro pipes up agreeing with the other boys

'Tell me about it, it is a good job I have a photographic memory'

'It really is' Sam agrees

'What is a GSW?' Uncle Rhodey asks but to be honest I thought he would know

'What do you think it means?' This will be funny

'Go south, Wendy' Sam suggests, everyone looks at him and just shake their head

'That is exactly what it means' I sarcastically say back to him

'Really' Sam says with pure hope in his eyes

'No, you idiot. Seriously though, you don't know that in your line of work' They all look at me with a blank expression. 'Gunshot wound'

'You know that makes sense' Steve says nodding

'Hence why we use it Rogers'

Clint starts to become more alert 'Where am I?'

'Hi Mr. Barton, you are in Seattle Grace Hospital. Do you remember what happened?'

'Those little shits shot me' Clint groans as he tries to move

'In a nutshell, that is basically what happened'

'I don't mean to be rude but who are you?'

'I am Dr. Fitzroy; I am your doctor who fixed the gun wounds that the little shits caused'

'Thanks Dr'

'It is fine, call me Anya'

'Oh, and she is Tony's daughter' Pietro casually states before having a sip of his water

'Really? I never put you down as the father type' Clint says

'You would be surprised' My Dad remarks with a smirk

'Don't say that. Please don't tell me I have a random sister or brother hidden away somewhere'

'Don't worry, you don't ... I don't think' Oh god the last thing we need is more Starks

'God help me' As I say that we all laugh but that laughing dies down as Dr Hunt enters the room and picks up the folder with Clint's stats and vitals

'Right Fitzroy what is going on?' He states in his loud voice

'This the male GSW brought in this morning just woken up slight temperature and high blood pressure' I reply immediately and I am not going to lie, he scares me

'Ok, so what do you think?' I don't know that is why I asked you

'A post-op fever'

'Ok so what do you do about it?' God what is with all of the question I paged him here because I don't know ... Well I do know what to do, I am just worried that I am doing it wrong

'I have sent for more bloods to make sure it is nothing too serious but I put an IV drip on with continuous fluids and paracetamol to get the fever down and steady'

'Ok so why did you call me?'

'Because I feel like I am missing something and you are my resident for the week so if I am unsure, I am supposed to run things past you'

'You are fine. You haven't missed anything. The only thing you are missing is self-belief. You are good Doctor, Fitzroy.'

'Thank you, Dr. Hunt'

'No problem, and by the way next week, you are with Robbins in peds'

'Great thanks' Yay, I love Peds'

'You don't need to sound so pleased, I thought I was your favourite resident'

'Of course, you are, Dr Hunt. I just like Ped

'I know. I can tell but I just want to give you a well-rounded education' He is obsessed with the idea of a well-rounded education to be fair it does makes sense

'I know'

'Right, is there anything else?'

'No thanks'

'Cool right how many hours have you worked today?' I check my watch and count the hours

'Around 11 hours'

'Ok you are now off shift'

'Great thanks' Finally

'You're welcome have a good weekend'

'You too' He smiles at me as he hands me charts and leave the room

'Well, who knew my daughter was the next super doctor?' My Dad says with a big smile on my face

'I wouldn't go that far' I say shaking my head at him

'If you say so'

'I'm going to go and get out of these scrubs'

'Cool see you later kid' He says hugging me

'We are having a party in a couple of days, if you are free, you can come if you want' Nat says with a smile. To be honest I think that she is trying to make up for what she did but I know she was only trying to protect my Dad. She doesn't really seem that bad, they all seem really nice.

'If I am not working then I would love to.'

'Cool, we will see you there' Nat smiles at me

'I will text you later, dad'

'Ok, love you' he says smiling at me and nodding his head

'Love you too. It was good to finally meet you all.'

'It was good to meet you too' Bruce says with a kind smile on his face. He really is as nice as my Dad says he is

'Thanks for fixing me Doc' Clint nods as he tries to look like he isn't in pain when we all know he is

'Not a problem, it is my job' That said I smile at everyone and leave 

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