Chapter 24 - I am home

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I wake up from my lovely nap. I roll over in my bed so that I am facing my bedside table. Wow, I have been to sleep for 4 hours, I must have really needed that nap. I look at the monitor and my heart swells with joy. I see Bucky and my Dad placing with the girls on the floor it is the cutest thing ever. I get out of bed put my hoodie on and go and join them.

As I walk into the room, Bucky looks up and smiles, 'Hey baby, did you sleep better?' I nod. 'I did thank you. You were right, I really needed that' Bucky smiles and kisses my forehead. 'I know and look the girls are fine and they have been fed and are happy'

Just as he says that Rachie starts to cry. I laugh and pick her up. Dad looks at girl, 'Seriously you guys have been good as gold until now' I smile at the oldest my little bean, to be fair she is only the oldest by 15 minutes, 'It's ok baby, Mommy's here to save you and your sister from the bad guys' Bucky pretends to look hurt 'We are not bad guys' All I can do is laugh more, 'Try telling that to this little one' She finally calms down.

'Just to alert you that dinner is ready' Jarvis announces to the room. 'Thank J.' Dad looks at me. 'Is there anything you guys need help with to take downstairs?' I look at Buck and he shakes his head 'I don't think so thanks the travel cot is down there, I think' He answers and I just smile at my Dad. I wouldn't have been able to do this without him. I grab Stevie while Bucky grabs Rachie and we walk downstairs. Once we get downstairs, we put them in the travel cots, they look so content and joyful.

'They look so happy' Steve smiles, he loves those girls so much. 'They are really good kids' Nat smiles. I smile back at her, 'They really are, we are so lucky. I love them so much I think my heart is going to burst.' They make so happy, I didn't know I could love anyone else this much other than Bucky and Dylan. 'Aww, did you manage to get some rest today?' Wanda asks with worry in her eyes. 'Yeah, Buck talked me into to it and I managed to get a nice long nap. It's just I was so worried that what happened to Dylan would happen to the girls'

'I know this won't stop you from worrying, A but we would never let that happen. Anyway since the little ones have been born, Tony has upped the security so much even the people who live here can't get in' Uncle Rhodey reassures me. 'To be fair, Rhodey has a point' Pietro laughs. Tony throws his hands in the air as if to surrender, 'I am just trying to keep my granddaughters and daughter safe'

'It is almost like you don't want us here' Sam shakes his head jokingly. 'That is because we don't, it was a hint' Dad winds Sam up even more. 'Thanks for that Tony, what a great friend you are' We are all laughing at this point 'I know', Dad joins us laughing as well. I smile with them while holding Bucky's hand. This is the happiest I have ever been. The best boyfriend, two beautiful daughters and an amazing family in the Avengers. I am home.

The End

A/N – I would like to thank everyone's support on my second book it means the world. Don't forge to comment and vote. Love you all 3000 xxx

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