Chapter 23 - How about we make a deal?

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It has been 6 months and the twin were born happy and healthy, 3 weeks ago. After multiple rows and changes to the names, Bucky and I agreed on, Rachael Antonia Barnes and Stephanie Pepper Barnes. Our little Rachie and Stevie. I love their names so much they have so much meaning. Rachael was my mom's name, Antonia is the female version of Anthony (my dad's real name). Stephanie, female version of Steven after Steve, who is like a brother to Bucky and I and finally Pepper after my mom. All of these names mean so much to Bucky and I. It just made sense. To be honest I haven't really slept these last 3 weeks, I am so worried that what happened to Dylan will happen to Rachie and Stevie and I can't let that happen again. Bucky and my Dad, even Sam have tried to get through to me but I am beyond rational. All I care about are my baby's safety and if that means not sleep then that is fine ... I think.

I am currently in the nursery watching my little beauties sleep. I hear a creak of the floorboards causing me to look up. I see Bucky smiling at me and the twins. He comes in the room and sits on the other rocking chair next to mine. Holding my hand. 'Are you ok, babe?' I nod 'Yeah, I am just watching our little ones. They look so peaceful'

'They do don't they. Anya. He looks at me smiling before he finishes his sentence, 'we need to talk'. I sigh, 'I know what you are going to say and you are not going to change my mind'. Bucky looks down holding my hand tighter. 'I know, but this isn't healthy. You look so tired and this isn't good for the girls either. They need their mom to get sleep and look after herself to be able to look after them to please babe.' He is practically begging me at this point. 'I am fine'. He just sighs again

'How about we make a deal?' I look at him confused but intrigued. Nothing can change my mind. 'What kind of deal?' He turns more towards me so we are face to face. 'You go to bed and have a rest, you can take the baby monitor to the bedroom, it has a camera so you can see the twins and I will sit here with them and won't leave their side until you get up. Do we have a deal?' That is a good compromise, I guess. The twins won't be alone and I can still see them.

'Ok fine, you won't leave their side' Bucky shakes his head. 'No and if I need to leave for anything like milk, I will ask one of the others to help so the twins are in view at all times I promise' I guess he is right, I could use a good sleep and I am no good to the girls like this. 'Fine, I will go. I love you' Bucky kisses my head smiling. 'I love you too', I kiss both of the twins before taking the monitor. I take one last look at them both and close the door on my way out. 

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