Chapter 8 - The Mass Murderer?!?!

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I am nervous ... so nervous. What if Dad doesn't like Bucky? Who am I kidding? Of course he won't. He hates Bucky after what he did to my Grandma and Grandad but I don't blame him because it wasn't his fault, it was the Winter Soldier not Bucky and as far as I am concerned, they are completely different people. I am all dressed up and ready just waiting for Bucky but I am pacing round the kitchen like an expectant father in the maternity ward.

'Will you just calm down, A?' Meredith pulls me out of my thoughts

'How can I calm down when this is the day that my boyfriend is going to die?' I may be exaggerating but I am stressed, ok. I am allowed to exaggerate

'He is not going to die. Your dad can't be that bad' Izzie laughs

'Clearly you don't know who my dad is' They have no idea

'Enlighten us then who is your dad' Here goes nothing

'I can't believe I am telling you this but my dad is Tony Stark'

'What?' Meredith and Izzie look at me with pure confusion. It was actually quite funny

'Yeah, that is why I don't see him very often because he is usually off pissing off Secretary Ross, The President, the Avengers, or some evil little shits' That is the truth, he could cause a row in a church

'Did it just slip you mind?' Meredith shouts

'I didn't tell you for not just my safety but yours. There are a lot of people who want my dad and the Avengers dead and the best way to get to them is through their loved ones.' I really shouldn't be telling them this.

'Hold on, you said that your boyfriend worked with your dad' Here is comes

'That is true because he does' I confirm

'Then your boyfriend is an avenger' Izzie gets all excited

'Yes, he is'

'Which one?' Meredith starts questioning

'I can't tell you'

'Why not?' Izzie sulks

'The same reason I didn't tell you who my dad was'

'Fine, I will have to guess' Izzie gets excited at the premise of playing detective

'Oh please don't'

'Well, if you don't tell us I am going to have to' I am so not in the mood for this

'Fine I tell you, but you have got to promise to tell absolutely nobody. Do you understand?'

'Yes, promise' Izzie is practically going to burst

'Bucky Barnes', I have done it know

'Oh wait, is he the one with a metal arm' Ok that could've gone worse


'The mass murderer?!?!' Izzie looks horrified, this isn't true

'That was not him. I promise' She has got it all wrong

'It is'

'It isn't. He was being controlled, hypnotized, and forced to do that by a terrorist organization. He is nothing like that, he is just your average kind, funny, good-looking guy who just happens to have a dark past.' I am getting really emotional. I always get sad when I talk about Bucky's past

'Ok, you are a pretty good judge of character so if you say he is good then I believe you and support you.' Thank God for Meredith

'Same, sorry I called him that I just thought he was not a nice man because that is what the news says' The bloody tabloids, at least Izzie is calmer

'It is fine a lot of people think that but he isn't bad, but the media don't have the full information. They tend to miss out the part where he was mind controlled'

'They always do, assholes' Meredith gives me a calming smile

'Tell me about it.'

'Do you know all of the Avengers?' Trust Izzie to ask that

'Steve Rogers and James Rhodes were the only ones who knew about me. I only met the others yesterday but I will probably see them more in the next couple of months.'


'Well now they know I exist; it will make it easier for me to see my dad I won't need to see him or my mom in secret.' It will be nice to see my Dad and Mom more

'Fair enough, are there any parties that you can invite your best friends to?' I had a feeling she would ask that

'Seriously Iz' Meredith laughs

'There are parties but I will have to ask my dad if you can come. That is if he still talks to me after tonight'

'It will be fine I'm sure' Meredith hugs me to try and calm me down

'I hope so, I love both of them'

The doorbell goes startling the three of us 'I know you do, it will be fine' Izzie says before she goes to the front door

'That will be Bucky please don't say anything about what I told you' He will kill me if they know

'I won't, it is Iz you need to worry about'

'Hey that is rude, true but rude. In all seriously I will keep my gob shut I promise' I hope she will

'Thanks' Izzie opens the door and Bucky comes in. He takes one look at me and pulls me into a hug. It instantly calms me down, I love that man. He whispers into my ear 'It is going to be ok doll, I promise'

'What if it isn't?'

'Then we will cross that bridge when it comes to it but whatever happens I will be here for you I promise.'

'You are so sweet'

'I know.' We just laugh

'I love you, Buck' I smile

'I love you too. Let's get off'

'Good luck, you are going to need it' Izzie jokes

'Thanks for that Iz, what would I do without you' I say sarcastically

'Probably be dead in a ditch'

'Ignore her, it will be fine' Meredith slaps Izzie while Bucky and I just laugh

'It will, go and have fun, see you later. Call if you need anything' Meredith smiles

'I will' With that I take Bucky's hand as we leave for the unknown 

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