Chapter 17 - It is my resignation

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I always thought about leaving Seattle Grace but I never imagined myself going it but here I am about to hand my notice in. Once I am ready, I go and find Dr. Hunt. Here goes nothing

'Dr. Hunt, I need to give this'. He looks at the envelope, confused. 'What is it, Fitzroy?'

'It is my resignation' His eyes widen as his face follows them; he looks at me more confused than before. 'What? Which hospital are you moving to?' Here comes the questions.

'I am not moving to another hospital'. Ok I don't think this conversation is going well as he is getting more confused as it continues. 'So, what are you doing know?'

'Well, I am going to be the personal doctor to the Avengers' Hunt looks at me shocked. 'Wow, you really weren't kidding when you said you had friends in high places' I wouldn't go that far, that don't hold that much power. Well not since Secretary Ross has been involved, something about him I don't like. 'I wouldn't cast the Avengers as people in high places but I do cast them as friends. I will still be in contact with you and the hospital as you are the hospital we use for major incidents'

'It will be sad to see you go, Fitzroy' He smiles. 'It will be sad to go because I really do love my job and I still want to be a doctor but I also want to see what else is out there' I think out of everyone, Dr. Hunt will understand that. 'I get it, I was the same when I joined the army. So, did you have to apply for the job or did they give it to you?' This is going to be interesting to explain

'Well, a bit of both. They saw how well I worked the other day on Mr. Barton and they asked for my resume and then they gave me the job' Right that answered that question. 'Out of interest, who is your friend in the Avengers?' Here it comes. I can tell Hunt, he isn't going to spill.

'My dad is in the Avengers' His eyes widen again for the millionth time with conversation. 'What? Who is he?'

'My dad is Tony Stark' He looks surprised. 'Wow, that is interesting. You are nothing like him' I hope that is a good thing. 'I know, I am much more like my mother, which is definitely more of a blessing than a curse. He has calmed down over the last couple of years. The Avengers really helped with that; he is a better man than he used to be.' He used to live a really wild lifestyle but he is better now. Thank god.

'I'll take your word for it' Tony Stark is like marmite people either love him or hate him, clearly Dr. Hunt isn't a fan. 'Fair enough, he did a lot of bad and stupid things before he was Iron Man. In the past he made some stupid mistakes but those stupid mistakes turned him into the better man he is today. Instead of playing with people's lives, he saves them including my own and he has probably indirectly saved your life without you knowing.'

'It sounds like you care about him a lot' Hunt smiles softly at me. 'I do, he is my dad and we are family. We stick together' That will never change. 'I get that. Listen you are a good doctor and a good person. Good luck in the future' Hunt holds his hand out and I shake it.

'Hey, you don't get rid of me that easily I still have another week in the circus' HE laughs at my response. 'Oh, and here is me thinking I have finally got rid of you. It has taken me long enough' I act like I am hurt by his comment he just laughs.

'In all seriousness, I just wanted to say thank you' He has really helped me build my confidence as a Doctor. 'Thanks for what?' He looks confused once again but will a kind smile. 'Thank you for making me the doctor that I am'

'It is my job. Speaking of jobs, we need to get to our jobs and our surgery's' He is right. 'Good point.' I smile at Hunt as he walks one way and I walk another. I love Seattle Grace, it will always hold a special place in my heart but I think it is time to move on. 

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