1- "Nate"

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Blair never had any problems in life. Her life was perfect. Genuinely perfect. Until she met him. And it's not possible to unmeet someone so now here we are.

"Blair get your suitcase off so Zach can get his bag," my mom said motioning her hand towards me while holding her phone up to her ear. I grabbed my suitcase and set it on the ground looking up at the large modern house in front of me. My mom was a news anchor and my dad is a neurosurgeon so money has never exactly been a problem in our family. My mom and dad were high school sweethearts. They had my older brother when my mom was 18. My mom is the most stunning woman i've ever seen. Effortlessly beautiful. She taught me everything I know. My brother and sister are poster children. My brother has been an ass recently just because he misses his girlfriend Stef since the move. Do I think they're going to last long distance? Hell no. My little sister Geneva is the definition of flawless. She models for multiple name brands and is blowing up on social media right now. Then there's me, Blair, the only thing I have going for me is sports right now. School starts in 2 days and all I want is good friends. Maybe even a damn boyfriend. 16 years on this earth and no boyfriend.

"Hello? Blair? Quit daydreaming and take your stuff inside," My dad said snapping. I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it inside. Dragging it up the stairs I chose a grey colored bedroom. A large window pointed at the window of my neighbor. Ew, how cliche. I jogged down the stairs and back out to the driveway to get more stuff. I looked up as the sound of a man's voice rang out from the house next to us.

"New neighbors! Hey! Nice to meet you all, I'm Cal Jacobs," the man said shaking my dads hand. A tall guy stood behind him. At least 6'5. His hands sat in his short pockets nonchalantly. I couldn't exactly see his face as he looked down at his shoes. His hair was a dark brown that sat perfectly on his head.

"Hunter Reima, nice to meet you, oh, this is my wife Carissa," my dad said stepping over for my mom to shake his hand.

"This is my son Nate, he's 17 and goes to East Highland High, where I assume you will go?" Cal said putting a firm hand on his sons back. Nate slowly shook his head and looked up. I pursed my lips as our eyes met. He was cute. Really cute.

"Nate," he said reaching his hand out to meet mine.

"Blair," I replied shaking his hand. Our hands stayed for a second. My stomach erupted with butterflies as I smiled and and pulled my hand back.

"Oh there they are, this is Zach and Geneva, Zach is 18 and Geneva is 15," My dad said.

"My other two are out with my wife, Marsha at soccer practice right now. You know what, you all should join us for dinner tonight, we're having steaks," Cal said

"That sounds perfect," My mom said smiling.

I whipped my head around to the sound of a large truck stopping behind us.

"Well there's the moving van, we should get going," my dad said.

"Yep, yep, y'all go, if y'all need anything just give us a shout," Cal said patting Nate on the back and walking away.

"Nate Jacobs, huh"

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