32- My Turn

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At this point of Blair's life, she didn't care what people thought. Of her. Of her family. Her friends. She knew the truth and that's all that mattered to her.

"She seemed like she meant what she was saying," I said throwing a small stress ball at the ceiling.

"I'm telling you, Maddy has never done this for anyone else, you're special," McKay said tossing a different ball in the air. I laughed softly.

"I remember when she knocked me out at friends-giving," I said.

"That was one interesting night," McKay said laughing.

"Sure was," I added. I held the ball in my hand and shut my eyes.

"You ready for tomorrow?" McKay asked. I nodded slowly.

"I just want people to believe me," I said shrugging.

"They will, I mean you have proof," he said looking over at me. I smiled softly.

"I keep having nightmares. Like I can't sleep," I said. McKay looked over at me.

"What kind of nightmares? Like it's replaying in your head?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No it's like, I'm always running away from him and he just keeps chasing me," I said.

"I'm sorry Blair, you really didn't deserve any of this, but hey it's almost over, tomorrows the last day," McKay said giving me a smile. I smiled softly.

"I just don't understand why it had to be me," I said as my eyes started watering. I sat up and buried my face in my knees.

"Hey, hey, Blair," McKay said sitting up and putting his hand on my back.

"Why is this effecting me so much. Like it's not that big of a deal," I said crying.

"It is a big deal. Don't make yourself feel guilty," McKay said. I looked up at him. He slowly wiped a tear from my cheek and kept his hand on my cheek. The tension was suffocating. We stared in each other's eyes intensely. I watched him look down at my lips. We slowly leaned in and my heart pounded. I wanted him I really did. I quickly had a feeling in the pit of my stomach. Right before our lips touched I stopped. My breaths heavy. I leaned my forehead against his.

"I can't, i'm just not, I don't wanna do something just because i'm not like, okay," I said shutting my eyes. He pulled back and held his hands in his hair.

"No you are like 100% right. I'm like totally taking advantage of your vulnerability right now. Holy shit, i'm so sorry," He said stuttering and standing up. I shook my head as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"No, McKay listen, it's not that," I said. McKay covered his mouth with his hands and breathed heavily. He backed up and lightly hit the wall. I could see the internal panic in his eyes. I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed his hands and held them in mine in front of me.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay," I said quietly trying to get his attention. He kept freaking out and looking everywhere but at me. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me.

"Listen to me. I like you a lot. Like a lot. But I don't want to put you in a situation where i'm not sure what I want and how i'm feeling. Okay?" I asked. His breathing slowed and he looked into my eyes.

"But I will let you know when I'm sure. Okay? So just, stay with me okay? I don't need to lose you right now," I said giving a faint smile. He nodded slowly. I gave him a hug and pulled away walking over to the bed. He turned off the light and slowly started walking over towards the bathroom to go to his room.

"McKay," I said. He looked back at me.

"I can't sleep by myself," I said pursing my lips. He walked over to the other side of the bed and got in. I felt his body warmth next to me. I rolled over and faced his back. I set my head close to it and sighed.

"Thank you for being so supportive of me. I know it hurts cause Nate was your best friend," I said.

Yeah, was, but now you're mine, and I don't care about anything else, just you," he replied quietly. I felt his hand reach behind him I placed my hand in his and our fingers interlocked. He pulled out arms over his waist. I smiled softly and closed my eyes.

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