16- "Mine"

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Blair never really had the strength to put her feelings first. She hated the idea of having what she was thinking out in the open. She never talked to anyone about how she was feeling, or what she was thinking. She bottled everything up and pretended she was okay.

" I mean come on Blair, McKay? You can do better," Nate said laughing. I took a deep stuttered breath.

"Nothing even happened, what are you talking about?" I asked. I flinched as Nate grabbed my neck. A tear rolled down my cheek as he came closer to my face.

" Nate," I said shaking.

"I fucking saw you two kiss," Nate said angrily in my face. I winced as his warm breath hit my face.

" I'm sorry," I whispered quietly.

"You fucking slut," he said taking a deep breath.

" You fucked Maddy so why does it matter?" I asked gasping for air.

"What did McKay tell you that?" Nate said tilting his head. I nodded slowly as tears rolled down my cheeks. Nate took a deep breath and stormed off into the bathroom where McKay was. I gasped as Nate dragged McKay out into the kitchen. McKay shoved Nate off of him and stood back with his fists up.

"Nate you don't want to do this," McKay said.

"Fuck you," Nate said laughing psychotically. I watched in shock as Nate swung his hand at McKay. McKay dodged it and watched as Nate's fist shattered a glass cup.

"Nate stop, please," I said crying and pushing Nate back. Nate shoved me back into the kitchen counter. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Cassie and Lexi. I coughed as the wind got knocked out of me and a sharp pain shot through my spine.

"What the fuck?" Cassie asked as McKay tackled Nate to the ground. Catching my breath I looked up at Cassie and Lexi's shocked faces. The lights were still off. McKay and Nate tackled each other and threw punches at each other's faces. Blood was flying around everywhere.

"Stop!" Cassie yelled shoving Nate. I watched his face change as he shoved her back into Lexi. McKay yelled and punched Nate in the jaw. Nate stood up straight and stumbled back.

"Let's go," Nate said grabbing my arm and yanking me towards the door. I cried as he dragged me behind him. I looked back and her muffled yells and screams. Cassie yelling at McKay and Lexi with her hands in her hair. Everything seemed in slow motion. McKay kept his gaze on me. What the fuck just happened. Nate opened up the passenger door and set me on the chair. He slammed the door and walked around. He got in and slammed the door. I flinched as he screamed "fuck". Tears streaked down my face as I fiddled my fingers. I looked over at him. I immediately looked away as soon as he turned his head. Blood all of his face and his knuckles were all bloody. We sat in silence for a couple seconds.

"Look at me," Nate said quietly. I kept my gaze on my hands.

"Fucking look at me!" He screamed grabbing my face and turning it towards him.

"Stop fucking crying," He said angrily wiping tears from my cheeks. I flinched as he touched me. I felt the warm blood on my face. Holding my face with his hands he looked into my eyes. I pursed my lips. I hated him. I really did. But I love him so much. I know that no matter what fucked up shit he does i'll still love him. I still love him right now.

"I never fucked Maddy, not once," Nate said with no emotions.

"I took her home and yelled at her, that's it, I didn't fuck her. I came back to get you because I couldn't stop thinking about you," Nate said. So I'm the one who cheated. Not Nate. Tears filled up in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I said sobbing. Nate shook his head and wiped my tears.

"Stop crying," he said. I looked up at him with a guilty look. He turned on his car and started driving. Staring out the window I felt like a horrible person. I did love him. I don't know why I kissed McKay. When we finally reached my house I looked over at him.

"My parents aren't home, I can help you, clean up," I said looking over at him. He shut off the car and got out walking over to my front door. I walked over to him as he walked in. We walked upstairs. Geneva and Zach must be asleep. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed a wet rag. He sat down on my bed. I walked over to him and slowly sat on his lap. I softly wiped off his cheeks. He winced when the water hit his cuts. I big my bottom lip and held his hair back with my other hand. I felt his eyes look up at me.

" Did you feel anything when you kissed him?" Nate asked quietly.

"Guilt," I said taking his hand and wiping off the blood.

" Im sorry for choking you," Nate said. I shrugged. I stood up and grabbed wrap for his knuckles and a bandaid for his cheek. I wrapped his hands and then placed the bandaid on his cheek. I slowly cupped his face with my hands.

"I love you," I said looking into his eyes. My galaxy projector was the only thing lighting the room.

"I love you," he said softly. I leaned in and pressed my lips into his. I felt him snake his hand around my waste and slowly pull off my shirt. As he tossed the shirt to the side he tossed me onto the bed and pulled his shirt off. I looked at his abs as he pulled his shorts off. I slowly dragged the pajama pants off my legs and tossed them off my bed. I placed my hands around his neck when he climbed on top of me. He placed a trail of kisses down my neck, down the center of my stomach till eventually he pulled my thong off, with his teeth. I mean get it I guess. He pulled his boxers off and climbed back on top. It was somewhat dark so I couldn't really see anything. But I mean I trusted that he knew what he was doing. I winced as he pushed himself inside of me. I cupped his face with my hands. I took a deep breath as he kissed my neck. I relaxed as slowly grinded. A soft moan escaped my lips as the pain slowly turned into pleasure. Nate placed his thumb on my lip and kept going. I leaned my head back and let him do his thing. If this made him happy, then so be it.

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