13- " Dinner "

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Even though Blair knew when she's was getting fucked over she always had a problem letting go and accepting that some things aren't meant to be.

"What are you going to wear?" Geneva asked laying in my bed.

"I don't know, maybe this," I said pulling a tight fitting sweater dress.

"Too hot for a dinner," She said looking at her phone screen as it buzzed.

"What about this?" I asked pulling out white jeans and a blue cardigan.

"That's cute," she said. I put it on and looked in the mirror.

"So what is Nate like?" she asked looking over at me.

"I mean he's sweet, he cares about me, I think," I said looking back at her. I watched as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Blair, you're the most indecisive bitch i've ever met," she said.

"He likes me, I like him, he's just been going through a lot recently," I said walking over to my bathroom.

"Maybe he's just psychooo," she said dragging out the o.

"He's not," I said glaring at her.

"Didn't he cheat on you at the Halloween party?" She asked looking down.

"He was drunk," I said putting a dark red lip stain on.

"When you stop making fucking excuses for him and figure out that you're worth more come talk to me," she said getting up and walking off. I flipped her off and scoffed. I studied the two small braids on opposite sides of my head. I grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs.

"You headed over?" My dad asked looking over at me from the couch.

"Yeah," I said walking towards the door.

"I love you, have fun!" He added. I smiled. I've been feeling extra grateful for my dad since i've heard about what Nate's dad did. This dinner is going to be awkward.

"Love you!" I yelled back shutting the door. I walked over to Nate's house and knocked on the door. Nate opens the door and looked down at me. He smiled faintly and pulled me in for a hug. Confused I wrapped my arms around him.

"This is going to be a shit show isn't it?" I asked smelling the cologne on his shirt.

"Yep," he said sighing. I walked inside and smiled at Cal and Marsha as they sat at the table.

"Hey Blair!" Marsha said standing up and hugging me. I couldn't help but look at Cal. That piece of shit cheated on this amazing woman, not to mention with a minor. He looked at me and slowly stood up to hug me as Marsha pulled away. Fuck. I put on a fake smile and hugged him. Pedophile.

"Good to see you," He said. I gagged as his warm breath hit my neck. Fuck you I thought to myself.

"You too," I said pulling away slowly. We all sat down and I sat next to Nate.

"Let's pray," Cal said reaching out his hands. Yeah we all know you fucking need it. I put my hand in Nate's and Marsha's.

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