29- Lose

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Authors Note: Most of the trial and the proceedings will probably not be accurate in comparison to regular and actual trials.

Judge Monroe grabbed a file of papers and pulled her glasses across her eyes. I stared at the lamp in front of me.

"Mr. Jacobs, you're a senior, correct?" Judge Monroe asked.

"Yes ma'am," Nate said firmly.

"And Ms. Reima you're a junior?" she asked looking at me.

"Correct your honor," I said looking up at her. She looked at me and then back at the paper. The rest of the time the judge just read papers and asked basic questions about our families and friends.

"Todays court is adjourned, see you all tomorrow," she said banging the gavel. We all stood up and walked out. I made eye contact with Maddy on the way out. She gave me a sympathetic look. I furrowed my eyebrows. Maddy feeling bad? I kept walking. As we walked out of the courthouse more news people and cameras were outside. I ignored their questions and got in the car. My family got into a different car since I was going to the hospital and not home. I pulled up and walked inside. A lady at front desk asked for my name.

"Um, Blair Reima, here for Rue Bennett," I said. The lady looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows. She made a quick glance at the TV. The information about the trial was up there. I looked back at her.

"Go ahead back baby," she said. I smiled softly and walked back. I opened the door and walked in. Gia and Ms. Bennett sat in two chairs next to Rue. They looked up at me as I walked in. Rue's mom gave me a soft smile as she stood up. She walked over and gave me a hug.

"We love you and support you, you know that," she said striking my hair. I nodded softly holding back my tears. I gave Gia a hug and stood next to Rue.

"How is she?" I asked tucking Rue's hair behind her ear.

"Good, yeah, she's going to be released in 2 days, but then um, it's rehab after this," Her mom said. I nodded. 2 days. The last day of the trial.

"We're going to grab something to eat. Want anything?" Rue's mom asked. I shook my head and thanked her. They walked out and shut the door. Rue's eyes fluttered open. I laid next to her and sighed.

"Hey whore," I said as she yawned.

"Sup slut," she said. I laughed softly.

"How was the trial today?" Rue asked.

"Good I think, not much happened," I replied.

"Do you think that the witnesses and your testimony will be enough?" She asked.

"Maybe not. But I have an audio clip," I said. Rue Sat up and looked down at me.

"Holy shit Blair. You're going to fucking own him," she said smiling. I smiled softly at her as she laid back down. She rested her head on mine.

"I know this is rough. But you'll get justice in the end," She said.

"I know," I said. She placed a kiss on my hair and sighed.

"Jules came to see me yesterday," She said. I sat up and looked at her.

"What?" I asked.

"She just apologized for everything. Cried a lot. Asked about you. That's really it," She said. I scoffed lightly and set my head back on her shoulder.

"I hooked up with Elliot," I said.

"What?!" Rue asked looking at me. Her jaw dropped. I covered my face with my hands and laughed.

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