10- "Ashtray"

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Blair didn't understand how messed up this town truly was. She didn't want to get caught up in other peoples problems, but Blair somehow always ends up being dragged in.

Fast forward to halloween. There's a party tonight and Nate and I are going as joker and cat women. I refused to put my hair in pigtails and be Harley so we settled for cat woman. Things with Maddy have settled down, sort of. She hasn't really talked to me at all about Nate. Nate's been acting on edge recently. I'm thinking maybe it's his dad or football playoffs coming up. I've been hanging out with Rue a lot, like a lot. Im worried as fuck for Rue, I mean she's been doing some heavy drugs recently. But she says she has it under control, not that I trust her.

"You ready?" I asked Geneva. She nodded and followed me out.

"Zach we're leaving!" I yelled before shutting the door. My parents were gone again.

I sat in my car and turned it on. Hearing shouting in the distance I looked over. Nate stormed out of his house yelling. He looked really fucking angry. His dad walked out after him. Nate got in his truck and slammed the door. Cal started banging on the window. Nate drove off and flipped Cal off out the window. Shit.

"Are you sure you want to be dating him?" Geneva asked.

"He's fine, he's just been on edge recently," I said pulling out of the driveway.

"He seems a little psycho," Geneva said laughing.

"He's not fucking psycho," I said angrily.

"Whatever you want to believe," Geneva said. I sighed and pulled up to the gas station. I got out and walked over.

"Cheerleader?!" Fez said smiling.

"Y'all know each other?" Geneva asked getting a drink. We both nodded. Ash walked out of the back with a gun.

"Fez I think th-," Ash stopped and stared at Geneva and I.

"Hey Ash, this is my sister Geneva," I said.

" Nice to meet you," Ash said setting the gun down and shaking her hand. Hesitantly Geneva shook his hand.

"Young love," I said smiling and laughing. Geneva looked back at me.

"Shut up," She mouthed.

"What brings y'all in?" Fezco asked.

"I'm getting stuff for Nate, he's been going crazy recently so I just wanted to cheer him up," I said grabbing a bag of chips.

"The one who left you out here that one night?" Fezco asked. Geneva furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at me.

"It was my fault," I said getting a pack of gum. I set all the stuff on the counter.

"Why didn't you just go to Walmart or some shit?" Fezco asked ringing up the items.

"I'd rather give my money to you then some Walmart," I said laughing. He put the stuff in a bag and handed it to me.

"Well thank you very much, see you later cheerleader," Fezco said.

"Bye," I said waving and walking out. Geneva behind me.

"He's nice," Geneva said.

"He's like 21," I said laughing.

"His, whoever that is, is hot," Geneva said smiling.

"Ew, shut up," I said laughing. We drove home and when I got there I saw Nate was back. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. Marsha answered the door.

"Hi Mrs. Jacobs, is Nate here," I asked. All I could think about is how she got cheated on with a high schooler.

"He's upstairs," Marsha replied with a faint smile. I smiled and walked up to his room. Knocking on the door I stood there. I looked up as he slowly opened it. My face dropped as I looked at his busted lip and bloody nose.

"Jesus Nate, what happened," I asked touching his cheek with my hand.

"Dad decided to show me some tough love," he said giving me a fake smile. I looked at the blood in his teeth. I walked in his room. He sat down on the bed and fiddled his fingers. I looked at blood stains on the floor. Jesus. I set down the food and looked over at him. He pursed his lips as tears stung at his eyes.
My heart broke seeing him sad. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He dug his head into my torso and held me tight. I felt as he sobbed quietly. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I fucking hate him," Nate muttered. I shushed him and stroked his hair.

"I love you," I said kissing his head. He looked up at me. He smiled and held my hands out in front of him.

"I love you too," He said.

"Why don't you take a shower, i'll clean all this up," I said looking at the bloodstains. He nodded and slowly got up walking to his bathroom. He shut the door and I sat back in his bed. All of this was fucked up.

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