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I coated my lips in dark red lipstick. Rhinestones lined around my eyes.

"Okay girls, I've made the choice for our new captain," coach said from behind us. I looked at the glittery black and turquoise uniform wrapped on my body.

"Congratulations Blair for making captain, and Maddy for making co-captain," coach said. I turned around and gave the coach a faint smile. In shock I looked over at Maddy.

"First Nate, now this," she said storming out. Everyone looked at me. Cassie looked at me and shrugged before chasing Maddy.

"Well I don't know what that was about, and quite frankly I don't care, get out there and get ready, game starts in 5," the coach said. I've been practicing as flyer for the whole week. Maddy and I were the flyers. Ironic. I grabbed my poms and did some adjustment to my ponytail. We ran out and started cheering. I stood in my place and looked over at Nate as he ran out on the field. His eyes caught mine and he smiled at me. I pursed my lips and grinned. We did our performance at halftime and performed it flawlessly. We won the game by 30 points. After I met up with Nate at his truck. He held his helmet in his hand and his bag in the other. I leaned against his truck as he set down his stuff and opened his arms wide. I ran up and gave him a hug as he lifted me up.

"You did great," I said kissing his forehead.

"So did you," he said smiling at me.

"You're all sweaty," I said wiping my lips. He set me down and laughed. I got in and put on my seat belt.

"So I made captain," I said smiling and looking over at him. He laughed and looked over at me.

"Really? Maddy was probably pissed huh?" He said looking forward.

"Well yeah, but why does it matter?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. Nate shrugged and kept looking forward.

"Do you still love her?" I asked fidgeting my fingers.

"The fuck? No I don't love her," Nate said angrily.

"Well then why did you ask if she was mad? I mean you obviously care about her, I don't care if you do I mean I get it, I just, I don't know," I said stuttering.

"Jesus, women are so fucking paranoid," Nate said scoffing.

"It's not being paranoid it's being careful," I said raising my voice.

"Well you 'being careful' is fucking annoying," Nate said angrily. I shook my head. Looking over at a gas station I pointed to it.

"Pull over," I said.

"What?" Nate asked.

"You fucking heard me," I said angrily.

"Fuck, fine," he said yanking the steering wheel and turning into the parking lot. I slammed the door and before I got my cheer stuff he sped off.

"Nate my fucking stuff is in there!" I yelled.

"Fuck you!" I yelled flipping him off.

"Fuck!" I yelled to myself. I turned around snd stormed into the gas station. The same guy I had seen the other day with Rue was sitting on the counter. A smaller Mexican boy was sitting next to him.

"Yo cheerleader you good?" the guy asked.

"Just fucking amazing," I said opening a fridge and grabbing a Dr. Pepper. I set my head against the fridge.

"My wallet is in his damn truck," I said. I gently banged my head against the window over and over again.

"What's your name?" The guy asked.

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