7- "Jules"

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The week had gone by fast. Nate and I hadn't really seen each other much since the kiss. He'd been busy with football since their first game was tonight. Cheer had been busy with new routines for the game. If i'm being honest I was underwhelmed with the routines and things we'd been doing. Before the game tonight the coach is choosing a new captain. I know it's not going to be me since I'm new but I mean hey, there's always a chance. I woke up and opened my blinds. Looking across I saw Nate on the phone. He seemed really angry. He ended the call and threw his phone on his bed. I watched him yell. He looked up through the window. As our eyes held contact he walked off angrily. I got ready, straightening my hair. I changed into leggings and a sweatshirt. It was pouring rain today so everything just seemed gloomy. I walked downstairs and grabbed my cheer bag. Walking outside I unlocked my car. Nate opened his truck door.

"Ride to school with me, your cars going to hydroplane," he said leaning against his truck. I walked over and threw my stuff in the backseat.

"Thanks," I said getting in. The ride was awkward until I finally said something.

"Why we're you so angry," I asked pursing my lips.

"It's none of your fucking business," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and scoffed.

"Fine, be an asshole," I said as he kept driving. He rubbed his temples and parked in a spot at the school. I got out of the truck and grabbed my bags marching towards the school. The hoodie over my head. I felt Nate's presence behind me.

"Wait Blair," he said behind me. I kept walking, ignoring him.

"Blair," he said again. Right before we reached the doors I felt him grab my hand and yank me back. I glared up at him.

"Im sorry," he said quietly. I stared at him not saying anything.

"Look i've just been on edge today, it's the first game of the season and it's my last year to get offers and shit," he said stepping closer to me.

"It's ok," I said quietly. He lifted up my chin and leaned down to kiss me.

"See you at the game," he said walking the opposite way. School was uneventful up till lunch. I sat by Rue since Maddy would shoot me if I sat by Cassie. Nate had a different lunch period since he's a senior.

"So, are you going to the game today?" I asked Rue.

"Yeah, just to watch you do your little cheer stunts," Rue said laughing.

"Rue are you fucking serious," Jules said walking up to the table.

"What are you fucking her now?" She asked slamming her tray on the table. I slid back in my chair as everyone looked at us.

"First off shes the straightest girl i've ever met, second off it's none of your fucking business who I fuck," Rue said smiling.

"Aren't you fucking Nate Jacobs anyways, I saw you two kissing," Jules yelled. Fuck.

"Fucking who?!" Maddy said standing up yelling. Oh fuck.

"I'm not fucking anyone," I said laughing.

"You kissed Nate?" She asked walking closer to me.

"Why does it matter you're not even dating him," I said looking at her.

"You cunt," she yelled angrily. I laughed and looked back over at Rue. She shrugged and kept eating.

"Well don't fucking ignore me," Maddy said hovering over me. I took a bite of a carrot and didn't say anything.

"Fuck you, you're going to regret this," she said walking off.

"I'm just going to leave," Jules said walking off.

"Look at all the trouble you're causing," Rue said smiling.

"Shit," I said laughing.

"So she's your ex?" I asked.

"Psycho ex, she left me at a train station," Rue said.

"Oh," I said pursing my lips.

"It's whatever, but you and Nate Jacobs?" Rue said.

"He's fucking psycho, be careful," she said taking a sip of water. I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

"He's not psycho," I said laughing.

"Whatever you want to believe," Rue said.

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