17- " Aftermath"

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Blair always kept her promises. Even when the promised were stupid she still kept them. To keep people safe, to protect herself, protect other people.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I turned over and faced Nate. He was still asleep. I stroked his hair with my fingers. I sat up quickly to the sound of my parents voice walking up the stairs.

" Blair?" My moms voice rang out as her footsteps approached the door. Fuck. I shook Nate.

"Get up," I whispered shaking him. He groaned softly and rolled over. I slapped my hand over his mouth quickly and shushed him. As he listened to my moms voice he sat up.

"Blair, sweetie are you in there?" She asked knocking. I looked over and checked to make sure my door was locked. It was. I rushed Nate into my bathroom and in the closet.

"Go," I whispered shutting the door behind him. I walked over to my door and unlocked it. I acted tired and walked over to my bed. My mom stood in the doorway with an iced coffee and a muffin.

"You're back?" I asked smiling.

"For a week or two then off we go again," My mom said. I nodded subtly.

"How would you feel about you and Nate doing a segment for the news about the football team, you know since the state championships are this weekend," My mom said setting the coffee and muffin down on my desk. I pulled the sheets back over me.

"That sounds great," I said turning on my TV.

"Whose shirt is that?" My mom asked.

"I don't know honestly, it was at the bottom of my closet," I said panicking as I looked down at Nate's shirt.

"You've got some marks on your neck or something," My mom said pointing to my neck nonchalantly and walking out.

"Must just be dirt or something," I said shrugging.

"We'll fill tonight at the station okay?" My mom asked smiling as she shut the door. Fuck, my neck. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I placed my hands on my neck. Brownish purple marks around my neck. I furrowed my eyebrows as tears formed in my eyes. It was an accident, he loves you, plus you deserve it. I turned around and opened the closet. Nate stood there looking at my clothes. He looked over at me and laughed. He loves me. He does. I walked in and smiled setting my head on his shoulder.

"Why don't you wear some of these?" He asked separating hangers. I shrugged.

"I don't like how I look in them," I said. He turned around and glared at me.

"You look fucking stunning in everything," he said looking down at me. I looked down and shrugged. He set his finger under my chin and lifted it up to look at him. Told you, he loves you. Right?

"Don't ever say shit like that again," he said furrowing his eyebrows. He still had no shirt on and I was in his t-shirt. He grinned softly as I nodded slowly. He placed a kiss on my forehead and slowly walked out of the closet.

"See you tonight, at the station?" Nate asked.

"How are you going to get out without my parents seeing you?" I asked. Nate opened the window. My jaw dropped as he climbed out the window. I ran over as he got ready to drop.

"Wait Nate, you're going to fucking die," I said looking down at the two story drop. Nate smiled and I gasped as he dropped into a bunch of bushes. I held my breath as I waited for him to sit up. He laughed as he tumbled out of the bush and stood up. I laughed and shook my head.

"Psycho!" I said smiling.

"You love me," He said grinning.

"Put on a shirt, it's ridiculous!" I said laughing as he walked over to his house. I shook my head smiling as I shut the window. I jumped as I saw a figure standing in my room behind me. Geneva laughed as I took a deep breath.

"Did you guys fuck?" she asked taking a sip of my coffee. I tilted my head in shock.

"A. That's none of your business and B. That's my coffee," I said taking it from her hand.

"Oh my God you guys did the devils tango?!" Geneva said laughing.

"So what if we did?" I said taking a sip of the coffee.

"Did he use a condom?" She asked leaning against my wall.

"Yeah?" I said sitting on my bed.

"Was that your first time?" She asked.

"G, respectfully none of this your business," I said browsing Netflix. She put her hands up and walked out. I sighed and looked over at my desk. A framed picture of me on Nate's back after a football game sat on the corner. I smiled softly. Trying to ignore last night. If I didn't think about it, it didn't happen. Perfect. I laid in bed for a solid 5 hours before getting out of bed and getting ready for the interview. I put on a my cheer uniform and put two small braids at the front of my hair. I put on some mascara and a dark lip stain. I walked out my room and downstairs. I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. My phone buzzed. I looked down. Rue was calling me.

"Hey?" I asked sitting down in the drivers seat. I started the car as Rue started rambling.

"Rue, slow the fuck down," I said pulling out of the driveway as she connected to the speaker.

" I got into a fight with Gia and my mom and now fucking Jules is getting on my ass about shit that doesn't fucking matter and Ali is all pissed off at me and I'm pretty high right now, so can you come get me?" she asked.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Fezco's store," Rue said.

"Okay I'm on the way," I said hanging up. Rue was a lot to handle, like a lot. But I love her, and only want what's best for her.

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