14- "Friendsgiving"

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Blair knew she wanted to leave everything behind when she goes to college so that she can start fresh. But some people can never get rid of the people they want too.

"Blair please tell her mom thank you," My mom said handing me a tray of brownies. I grabbed it and walked out the door saying bye. Getting in my car I drove to Cassie's. It's the day after thanksgiving and Cassie had the fantastic idea to invite all of her friends who mostly hate each other to one place. Her dining room table. This might be worse then Nate's family dinner. Finally pulling up at Cassie's I knocked on the door. I looked at my sweater dress on the reflection of her window. Kat opened the door.

"Hey," She said eating bread.

"Hi," I said stepping in. Everyone was sitting at Cassie's table. I spotted Nate and hoped for an empty seat next to him. My smile dropped when I saw McKay and Maddy sitting next to him. I pursed my lips and found an open spot next to Lexi and a girl i'd never seen before.

"Here," I said handing Cassie the brownies. Everyone started eating right away. I had lost my appetite since seeing the sight of Maddy next to Nate.

"So how is everyone?" Cassie asked smiling.

"Great," Maddy said looking at me.

"I'm actually really good," I said staring back.

"Okay, um good," Cassie said sensing the tension.

"So your last football game is next Friday? State championship?" Cassie asked looking at Nate.

"Yeah, it's sad honestly," Nate said setting his hand on the table.

"It's okay, we'll all be there cheering you on," Maddy said placing her hand on top of his. I leaned back in my seat and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, you guys will win," Lexi said looking back and forth between Maddy and I. I watched as she kept her hand on Nate's. Nate looked over at her. His face filled with confusion and guilt. The silence was painful.

"So, Blair when does soccer start?" Cassie asked licking her lips.

"The Monday after the state championship game," I said keeping my gaze on Nate and Maddy.

"Nate do you remember when you played soccer with me and the adorable little boy that I was babysitting, he loved you," Maddy said placing her hand on Nate's back.

"Okay, seriously, enough, what the fuck are you trying to do?" I asked leaning back in my chair. 

"Oh boy," Lexi muttered.

"I'm not doing anything," Maddy said smiling at me.

"Well how about you let me, you know, his girlfriend, sit by him and stop hitting on him," I said giving her a fake smile.

"Whatever you two faced bitch," Maddy said.

"At least i'm not a psycho bitch obsessed with my ex even though he doesn't fucking want me because i'm a fucking whore," I said.

"Guys come on," McKay tried to say.

"Blair, chill," Nate said rubbing his forehead.

"Don't tell me to fucking chill? She's clearly hitting on you," I said angrily.

"You don't own Nate he can make his own choices and if that means that he doesn't choose you, then so be it," Maddy said standing up and leaning on the table.

"You're not dating Nate so stop fucking touching him," I said standing up.

"Guys can't we just eat in peace," McKay asked looking up at us.

" This is why you and Nate won't work out, you feel the need to control everything and everyone around you," Maddy said.

" You have no fucking boundaries and that's why no guy will ever be in love with you and all your friends will slowly drop you because you're a disrespectful bitch," I said tilting my head. I watched Maddy's face change as she took a deep breath. She picked up a bread roll and threw it at my face. I slapped it away with my hand before it hit me.

"You bitch," I whispered. I grabbed a handful of mashed potatoes and threw it at her. She scoffed as it landed in her hair.

"Okay that's enough," Nate said grabbing her back as she picked up food. She slapped him and continued to throw food. I watched as she ran over towards me. Everyone got up and followed us around the table. Cassie yelled at us to stop. I winced as she slapped me. I shoved her back and kicked her in the stomach.

"Blair," Nate said standing to the left of me. I looked over for a split second before I felt a fist hit my face and the world turned black.

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