3- "Cassie"

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Blair was never the type of girl to do too much for one person. She knew she was enough for them so she pretty much did the bare minimum. Especially someone like Nate Jacobs who liked girls like her. But at a certain point Blair will have to learn that to be with Nate she'll have to do everything for him.

I laid down in my bed after dinner. My hair was still wet from the shower I had taken. I opened Instagram to see that someone had followed me.


I laughed to myself and shook my head. I pressed the blue "follow back" button. Clicking on his profile I browsed through his profile. He only had two pictures, one in his football uniform and one of him at a party holding a beer bottle. I set down my phone and pulled the covers over me to try and go to sleep. I listened as rain gently fell and hit the rooftop. I looked over through the window. Nate walked through his room and pulled off his shirt. He dropped it to the ground and quickly flipped off his lights. I watched him lift his phone as the light merely illuminated his face. His hair was wet and messy. He grinned and looked up at me through the window. My phone buzzed subtly. An instagram message from Nate.

"Back to school pool party at a friends house tmr, u wanna come w me?"

I pursed my lips and smiled. Ew. I told myself as I quickly dropped my smile.

"Sounds good" I replied. I shut off my phone and placed it next to me. Nate smiled and walked closer to the window. He slowly shut his blinds. I closed my curtains and laid down. Nate Jacobs. Hm. Seems like a good guy, a little temperamental but so am I. I set my head down on the pillow and shut my eyes.

"Blair, Blair, Blair," A loud annoying voice said hovering over me.

"For fucks sake," I muttered rubbing my eyes.

Geneva stood over me with her arms crossed.

"Want to go to the mall? I need clothes for school, and you probably do too," she said.

"Fine, but not for too long I have a party tonight," I said sitting up.

"A party? We just got here and you're already popular?" Geneva asked.

"Nate invited me chill," I said walking over to my bathroom. She leaned in the doorway and watched me as I threw my hair up in a bun and washed my face.

"The next door guy? He's so fucking hot," she said laughing.

"I know," I said smirking and rinsing my face.

"You don't even know him though, he could be some psycho," she said. I shrugged.

"I need to meet people, so i'm going," I said letting my hair down. It was extra wavy today compared to most days.

"Do you think y'all could be something?" she asked.

"Geneva I don't know, honestly, I barely fucking know him, I haven't even met any other guy yet," I said brushing mascara on my lashes.

"Well you'd be an attractive ass couple," she said walking out of my room. I grinned and shook my head. I changed into a tight fitting black tank top and mom jeans. Walking downstairs my mom was hanging pictures on the walls.

"Where are you two headed off to?" My mom asked dusting her hands off on her pants.

"The mall," Geneva said.

"Okay, be careful," she said. I nodded and grabbed my keys. I unlocked my car. My car is one of my most prized possession. An Audi R8. I started playing Lost by Frank Ocean. I pulled out of the driveway and looked at the map.

"I already fucking hate this town," Geneva said.

"It seems pretty ok," I said pulling up to a red light.

"I just have this bad feeling about all of it. I mean it's small so I feel like everyone knows everything, there's no secrets," she said looking out the window.

"Jesus, you need to stop reading all these depressing ass stories," I said parking in a spot at the mall. I got out and locked my car walking towards the mall. After shopping for about an hour we walked into a claire's. Geneva wanted to get a nose ring.

"Mom's going to kill you," I said laughing.

"Let her," Geneva said laughing. She sat in the chair.

"While you wait i'm looking around," I said setting our bags next to her and walking  away. I looked at these matching friendship necklaces. Light blonde hair caught my eyes. A girl who looked my age was looking at necklaces. She was pretty, really pretty. Her black lace shirt was revealing. But simplistic and made her look older then she probably is. She looked up at me.

"I've never seen you before," she said smiling.

"Yeah I just moved here yesterday," I said smiling back.

"You in highschool?" she asked.

"Yeah, junior," I said pursing my lips.

"Senior, i'm Cassie," she said reaching her hand out.

"Blair," I said shaking her hand.

"Holy shut I love that name, like Blair Waldorf, you know? Gossip Girl?" she asked. I nodded and laughed.

"There you are," A guys voice said walking up to her. A taller black guy walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"This is Blair, she's new, Blair meet McKay," Cassie said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you," he said smiling. He seemed nice.

"McKays my boyfriend, but he's in college so you won't see him around school," she said laughing as he tickled her waist.

"So have you met anyone else?" Cassie asked as we walked over to Geneva.

"Well I'm neighbors with the Jacobs, like Nate Jacobs," I said. Cassie expression dropped and McKay pursed his lips.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, Nate's my man, but be careful with him, he's got some fucked up shit going on up there," McKay said pointing to his head.

"This is my sister Geneva," I said standing next to her.

"Oh my god, you're adorable," Cassie said smiling.

"Sick nose ring," McKay said. Geneva looked in the small mirror and smiled.

"Holy shit," Geneva said grinning.

"You going to the back to school party tonight?" Cassie asked paying for a matching friendship necklace.

"Yeah," I said smiling.

"Cool," she said.

"Well we'd better get going," Cassie said laughing. She set the friendship necklace in her purse.

"See you tonight!" Cassie said waving as she left the store.

"What the fuck just happened," Geneva asked grabbing our bags.

"No idea, but I already love her," I said laughing.

"Cassie," Geneva said laughing.


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