27- Lies

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Blair was never someone to turn on the people she loves. Never by choice at least. She would drop anything to help her friends and family.

I raced over to Nate's house as fast as I could. Elliot's bike. Nate was still the only one there. Rain started pouring as thunder rang out. I walked towards the door and stopped suddenly as it was wide open. I slowly creeped in as I heard yelling. I looked into the kitchen. Nate stood against the fridge with his hands up. Elliot held a gun pointing it at Nate's head. I stopped and gasped. Nate's eyes looked over at me.

"Elliot, stop, please," I said slowly walking over towards him.

"Yeah listen to her," Nate said angrily.

"Tell me why I shouldn't shoot him in his ugly fucking face right now," Elliot asked.

"Elliot," I said looking at him.

"He raped you," Elliot said as his voice broke.

"I know, let me deal with it, but not like this," I said holding back my tears.

"Fine, you have two choices, either I shoot him right here, or you take it to court and get him thrown in jail," Elliot said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Nate. He shook his head angrily. I looked down.

"Elliot," I said.

"Choose!" Elliot yelled pushing the gun into Nate's head. Nate cried softly and begged for Elliot to stop.
I thought.

"I'll go to court, just please give me the gun," I said trying to seem tough. Elliot glared at Nate and hesitantly pulled the gun away. I grabbed it and took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's all just ca-," I started saying. Flinching I watched as Elliot punched Nate across the face. Elliot looked at me and stormed out. Nate looked up at me and pursed his lips.

"Are you actually taking me to court?" He asked. I scoffed and walked past him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. He held my face as our lips hovered. For just a second everything felt as good and happy as at the beginning. I quickly pulled away and shoved him back. I stormed out still holding the gun. Elliot walked over to his bike.

"Elliot!?" I yelled as he got on.

"You can't just leave, we have to talk about this," I yelled. I watched as he drove off. I hid the gun in my car and got in. My whole body still shaking from everything I looked at my steering wheel. Starting to drive I knew exactly where to go. I pulled up at the hospital and walked in. The lady at the desk looked up at me.

"Visiting hours are over unless you're direct family," the lady said.

"I'm not, but um, my best friend is in here, I just need to see her i'll be fast I promise," I said starting to cry.

"Only direct family sweetie, i'm sorry," the woman said sympathetically.

"Blair?" A voice asked. I looked over at Rue's mom. I smiled softly as she smiled at me.

"Hi, Ms. Bennett, um I was going to see Rue but, um," I started saying.

"Let the poor girl see her best friend," Rue's mom said. The lady at the front looked at me. She sighed and looked down.

"Okay, but only for 30 minutes," She said. I smiled at her and walked over to Ms. Bennett.

"So how is she?" I asked pulling myself together.

"Better, um she's still technically in a coma. I'm just grateful she's not in a coma. But she's supposed to be able to talk and react anytime now, so if she makes some movement or blurts out random words, it's okay, we just have yet to see," she replied. I walked in and looked at Rue in the hospital bed. Gia sat in the corner asleep.

"This is actually perfect timing, I was about to take Gia home, you know to shower and sleep," Ms. Bennett said. Gia slowly woke up and got up.

"Hey Blair," she said smiling at me softly. I smiled and waved. They walked out and shut the door behind them. I walked over to Rue as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Hey Rue, um, I, I really miss talking to you, I need you more then ever right now," I said crying. I held her hand and sat in a chair next to her. I placed my head on her hand interlocked with mine and sobbed. And just lightly, I felt a squeeze on my hand. I immediately looked up.

"Rue?" I asked.

"You can hear me?" I asked. Another squeeze. I pursed my lips as I cried tears of joy. I climbed onto the bed and layer next to her. I nuzzled my head in her shoulder and hugged her.

"You smell weird," a quiet voice said groggily. I sat up and looked at Rue. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Rue?" I asked.

"Blair," she said smiling softly. I smiled and pressed my forehead against hers.

"I love you Rue, I love you so much," I said crying.
I placed my head back in her shoulder and wiped my tears. Our hands still interlocked.

"I'm really sorry I did this to you," she said.

"It's okay, it's okay," I said reassuringly.

"How are you?" she asked. I laughed softly.

"You don't even want to know," I replied.

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