24- Over

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My eyes slowly opened as the light shined through the window above me. My head raises up and down with the breathing of a chest. I quickly sat up and looked around. Shit. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sat up. I looked down at the t-shirt I was in while I stood up. I checked my phone as it buzzed.
Nate was texting me along with my dad asking where I was. Nate wants to talk to me. I looked around for my shoes and put them on. I'm not even wearing pants. Whatever.

"Where are you going?" Elliot asked groaning. I stopped and looked back at him. I gave him a faint smile before walking out. I texted my dad back rapidly and told him I spent the night at Rue's. Nate started calling me right after.

"What?" I asked annoyed. I unlocked my car and got in.

"Look I just want to talk, please, meet me at our spot okay? Tonight at 8:30," He said. I reluctantly agreed and hung up. I ran my hands through my hair before leaning my head back on the seat. I took a second to think. Fez. I called the local jail and asked if he was an inmate there. They told me I could talk to him in an hour. I went home and walked in.

"Blair, look you need to tell me that you're staying at your friends houses, we thought you were missing," my dad said. I nodded and went up the stairs. I walked into my room and got changed. I put on sweatpants and a cropped tank top. I pulled my hair into a side braid and brushed my teeth. Looking up in the mirror I stared at myself. What the hell is happening? I just have to keep it together. If I pretend everything is okay, then it will be.

I eventually got to the jail. I sat at a small table surrounded by people talking to inmates at other tables. I waited for Fez. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them bring him in. I stared at his handcuffs and outfit. He smiled softly as he saw me. He sat down in front of and looked directly into my eyes. We didn't even have to say anything. I started crying softly and leaned onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said crying.

"For what?" He asked.

"I was supposed to get him out," I said. Fez shook his head and looked down at me.

"It's not you're fault Blair," he added as his voice broke. I set my head on the table in my arms.

"I don't even know what's going on," I said holding back my tears.

"You'll figure it out," Fez said. I looked up at him.

"You always do", he said smiling softly. The guards eventually took him back. I walked out of the jail and got into my car. I called Rue. No answer. I spent the rest of the day driving around. Around 8:30 I pulled up to Nate and I's spot. I spotted him leaning against the fence. Getting out of the car I walked up behind him.

"Nate and Blair," He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and didn't say a thing.

"You've been acting different. I might be a horrible person but at least I always have been," Nate said. I walked up to the fence next to him and leaned against it. We looked out at the city lights sparkling.

"Blair, tell me what's wrong," Nate said looking over at me. I bit my bottom lip slowly as tears formed in my eyes. Looking up at him tears rolled down my cheeks. He gave me a sympathetic look before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and cried softly. He stroked my hair and kissed my head.

"I'm sorry," I said crying.

"Me too," he replied tightening his grip.

"So are we good?" He asked. I nodded softly.

"I love you Blair," He said looking down at me.

"I love you," I replied as he wiped a tear with his thumb.

Later we left. I called Rue again. She hadn't answered in a while. I showed up at her house and knocked on the door. No one answered. Gia and her mom were out of town for one of her basketball tournaments.

"Rue?!" I asked banging on the door. After no reply I opened it and walked in.

"Rue!?" I asked. I started walking towards her room. The door was shut. A familiar song played. Apocalypse. We always listened to it. I knocked on the door.

"Rue?" I asked again. I opened the door slowly. As I opened it all the way my heart dropped. Looking down I saw Rue laying on the ground. A mix of foam and vomit on her face and the ground. Pills next to her. A small needle too. My jaw dropped as I ran over to her. I hovered over her and sat her up.

"Rue?!" I screamed in between cries. She had no pulse. I struggled to pull out my phone and call 911. An operator answered.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"I need help, my friend, she, I think she overdosed."

"What is the address of your emergency?"

"I- I don't know, um just Rue Bennett, it's her house."

The call ended after a few more questions. As I held Rue in my arms I shook my head. I knew it wasn't my fault but I felt like it was. I sobbed and kissed her forehead.

"Oh Rue, what did you do?" I asked crying.

"I love you Rue, so much," I whispered to her. After a couple minutes the paramedics got there. I cried as they pulled her out of my arms and onto a stretcher. They talked as I sat on the ground crying. I watched as Elliot slowly walked down the hallway. He looked in confusion as the paramedics passed by. Looking over at me he ran over. He said something and waved his hands. I stared down the hall at Rue as she got wheeled away. I screamed and slammed the floor as I thought about the fact that she was probably dead. Elliot kneeled next to me and held my face. He pulled me into him as I sobbed uncontrollably. He stroked my back and hugged me.

"We have to go to the hospital with her," He said. I nodded and got up. Walking down the hall I dealt with the sick feeling in my stomach. The feeling of loss. Of hurt.

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