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Blair never really cared what drama people had going on in their lives. She never snooped, never gossiped. But in this town it's impossible to stay out of drama. Insanely impossible.

It's been 2 weeks since Nate and I started dating. Almost everyone knows. My parents are actually happy I finally have a boyfriend. We pretty much spend everyday together. Occasionally we fight but we always make up. Today was a Saturday. Nate had practice for 4 hours so I was pretty much on my own tonight.

I looked at my phone as it buzzed. Rue had texted me.

"Wanna smoke?"

"Sure, i'll come get u"

I got in my car and drove over to her house. Rue and I had gotten really close. Out of everyone I liked her most, maybe cause she's really the only one who liked me. Even though she doesn't really like Nate and won't tell me why, she still likes me. I pulled up to her house and she hopped in the car. Her sister waved from the door. I waved back and smiled. Gia was adorable.

"God my sister is so over protective," Rue said putting her seatbelt on.

"I wish my sister was that protective," I said laughing. The sun set as we drove. We pulled into an empty parking lot and rue lit her blunt.

"We should make a handshake," Rue said exhaling smoke.

"Wait oh my God yes," I said as she passed me the blunt. We eventually made a complex handshake.

"Oh my God this is my favorite song ever," I said turning up the volume on my radio.

"You get me so high? Fitting," Rue said laughing.

"I love the neighborhood," I said setting my head on the seat. We sat and listened.

"You're my best friend i'll love you forever," I said quietly singing along. Rue laughed as I sang along.

"You know I think you're the best person i've ever met," Rue said.

"You're definitely the coolest person i've ever met," I said smiling. She smiled and looked up at me.

"Jules fucked Nate's dad," Rue said quickly. I instantly sat up as my jaw dropped.

"What the fuck?" I yelled.

"As i'm Cal Jacobs?!" I screamed. Rue nodded slowly.

"Holy shit, does Nate know?" I asked.

"I think so," Rue said lifting the blunt to her lips.

"Jesus," I said running my hands through my hair.

"Wait so that means Cal cheated on Marsha?" I said. Rue nodded and kept looking at me.

"I fucking love Marsha," I said laughing.

"But Cal, I mean how will I ever look at him the same," I said rubbing my temples.

"I'm only telling you this cause i'm high, so don't fucking repeat it," Rue said tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Damn," I said.

"Yeah," Rue replied. I looked over at her.

"Can I ask what happened between you and Jules," I said looking down. Rue sighed.

"Pretty much, we were going to leave town together and she left me at the damn train station, then that night I relapsed," She said looking down.

"Shit," I said pursing my lips.

"I was so in love with her," Rue said quietly. I watched as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, it's okay, if it's meant to be, it will," I said wiping the tear from her cheek.

"You know you're really the only good friend I've ever had," Rue said laughing.

"Well i'm glad," I said smiling.

"Now i'm taking you home cause i'm tired and i'm sure Nate will want to come over when his practice is over," I said laughing.

"Ugh, I see how it is," Rue said sarcastically.

"Shut up," I said smiling and laughing. I eventually dropped her off. We did our handshake, we barely did it without laughing our asses off. I got home and parked in the driveway. As I turned off my car I sat and stared over at Cal Jacobs taking the trash out. As he turned around he looked at me. Oh fuck. He waved and smiled. Shit. I awkwardly waved back. Sorry, he fucked a minor? That's fucking illegal. And Nate knows? Jesus. There's some fucked up shit going on. And I have a feeling it's only going to get worse.

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