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At least once in your life you have that one moment where everything just clicks. All the dots connect. The puzzle pieces fit. While it's the most relieving moment it's also the most painful.

I unwrapped my hair from the curling wand. Setting the wand down I shook my hair loosening the curls. I grabbed my mascara and quickly brushed it over my lashes.

"Let's go!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I walked out into my room. Pulling out my phone I checked it.
6:27. I looked up. Through the window I saw Nate. He slowly pulled a shirt over him. I grinned and admired the sight before he covered his abs with his shirt. I looked in my mirror at the brown sweater I had above my white mom jeans. I put my phone in my pocket and walked down the stairs. My parents opened the door and we walked over to the Jacobs house.

"Ring the doorbell," My dad said holding a cobbler my mom had made.

"Why me?" I asked. He shrugged. I pushed the doorbell and stood awkwardly waiting. I looked up as the front door opened quickly. A brunette woman opened the door.

"Hey guys, come on in!" she said turning around and walking back through the house. Their house was big. Modern. We followed her into the kitchen and dining area. Nate was setting silverware on the table. He looked up and our gazes locked.

"Hey Nate why don't you give Blair and them a tour," Marsha said pulling a tray of green beans out of the oven.

"Uh, yeah, sure," Nate said. His voice was deep and a little bit gravely. He walked past me and I followed him up the stairs. I looked at pictures on the wall. On picture in the hallway caught my attention. It was a family portrait. But it seemed gloomy. None of them seemed happy.

"Um these are my brothers rooms," Nate said pointing to two doors on opposite walls of the hallway. I turned back and notice that Geneva and Zach weren't behind me. I followed Nate into his room.

"This is my room," he said sitting on his bed. Sports posters around his walls along with weights and other workout equipment.

"You play for the football team at school?" I asked looking around.

"Yeah, what about you? You play any sports?" He asked looking at me.

"Well I cheer and play soccer and volleyball. Might run track, I guess we'll see," I said smiling.

"Athletic, I like it," He said grinning. I pursed my lips trying to hold in my smile. My eyes shot to a picture of Nate and a girl with black hair. She was pretty.

"That you're girlfriend?" I said pointing to the picture.

"No," he said pressing the face of the picture down.

"Okay so then why is there a picture of her in your room?" I asked laughing.

"It's complicated, but we're not together," he said. He picked up the frame and dropped it in the trash.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"We should get back downstairs," he said walking out of the room. I followed him out and back to the kitchen. We all sat down and started eating.

"So where did you guys move from?" Marsha asked.

"Miami," my mom said.

"Nice," she said smiling. Nate and I kept making awkward eye contact.

"So do any of kids have boyfriends or girlfriends?" Cal asked.

"Dad that's weird," Nates brother said shaking his head.

"Well I have a girlfriend back in Miami," Zach said nodding. Geneva shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I said.

"What about you guys? Nate? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked tilting my head.

"That's none of your fucking business," he said setting down his fork.

"Nathaniel Jacobs," Marsha said sternly.

"I think I forgot my phone in your room Nate, mind helping me find it?" I asked standing up. He pursed his lips and stood up. I walked up the stairs and into his room.

"Okay what the fuck, i've known you what, less then 24 hours? Why are you being an asshole?" I asked. Nate shook his head.

"She's not my girlfriend," he said walking closer to me.

"Okay then why are you lashing out when I asked you?" I asked as he was just a few feet away from me.

"I don't know, you're-," he said stopping himself.

"Are you a relationship type of girl?" he asked looking in my eyes. I shrugged.

"I don't know," I whispered as his face slowly crept closer to mine. My heart pounded as his face was too close for comfort. I placed my finger on his lips and pushed him back.

"I don't even know you," I said grinning. Nate laughed and turned around walking out.

"You will," he said slowly pausing before walking back downstairs.

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