33- Justice

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"Welcome to day 3 and the final day of the Reima vs Jacobs trial," Judge Monroe said.

"Today we will be hearing testimonies from our plaintiff and defendant," Monroe said.

"Mr. Jacobs please approach the stand," Monroe asked. Nate sat down at the stand and adjusted the mic. Mrs. McKay stood. I took a deep breath and looked down at the white dress I was wearing.

"Mr. Jacobs, when did you begin dating Mrs. Reima?"

"Um, September 15th,"

"And can you tell us how you two started dating?"

"Objection relevance?" Lorson asked.

"Sustained," Monroe replied.

"Ms. Reima stated that the first time she ever noticed your abusive and manipulative behavior was one night after a football game when you got mad and left her at a gas station to walk home,"

"We got in an argument? Big deal,"

"The first time you were ever physically abusive towards Ms. Reima was thanksgiving correct?"

"I never laid a hand on her in an angry manner,"

"Your honor may I display plaintiff exhibit 5?"


A photo of choke marks around my neck showed on the screen.  I took a deep breath and looked down at the floor.

"Ms. Reima and Christopher McKay admittedly kissed after she found out you had been cheating on her with your ex girlfriend Madelyn Perez,"

"I was never cheating on her. I loved her. She cheated on me if anything."

I shook my head and scoffed quietly.

"Mr. Jacobs, Blair exposed your father for the abusive and cruel acts that he put you through,"

"My dads never hit me,"

"Maybe so. But he did choke you, slam you into a wall, belittle you and pound your stomach correct?"


"Your honor permission to display plaintiff exhibit 13?"


A phot of Nate and I displayed on the screen. If was of us about to go in the pool. My head leaned on hi shoulder while I held the phone showing us in the mirror. Nate held a middle finger up to the mirror. He had a scar on his cheek and bruises along his abdomen. I had light bruising on my neck.

"Mr. Jacobs can you explain the marks and bruises on your body?"


"What about Ms. Reima?"

"I don't know you ask her,"

"Mr. Jacob your abusive behavior continued for the rest of the relationship.

"You two split about a month ago, you continued to stalk her and follow her around trying to get back with her. One day she made the mistake of her life getting back together with you. She went over to your house and you raped her. Her trust for you was completely broken and so was her heart. Mr. Jacobs why did you rape Blair Reima?"

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