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Love was never something that Blair obsessed over. I mean every once in a while she would kiss a guy or make out with someone at a party, but love, love was something that Blair just accepted she was never going to have.

I looked at my body in the mirror. The black swimsuit clinging to my body. I liked my body. I had the body most girls dreamed for. I just have always had problems with hoping other people liked my body. I pulled a pair of white sweatpants over. I texted Nate.


"I'm literally waiting in your driveway."

"Fuck ok Mr. Impatient."

I ran down the stairs. I opened the door and walked outside. Looking up I saw Nate sitting in a black truck. Expected. I hauled myself up and into his truck. The air was freezing and it smelled like axe body spray.

"Jesus this whole truck just gives off 13 year old boy," I said putting in my seatbelt.

"You don't like my scent thing?" Nate said jokingly as he pulled out of the driveway.

"It's just wonderful," I said sarcastically.

Nate looked over at me and smiled.

"Nice necklace, what are you 8?" He asked laughing.

"Cassie gave it to me," I said laughing.

"Oh so you've met Cassie?" He asked.

"Yeah and her boyfriend, McKay?" I replied looking out the window.

"Oh yeah, McKay's my man," Nate said pulling up a run down gas station. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"I just need to grab something, stay here," he said getting out and shutting the door. I opened Snap on my phone. Someone had added me as a friend.

I laughed and pushed the accept button. Nate walked back to the truck and got in setting a case of beers in the back.

"So you're 21 now?" I asked laughing.

"Well of course," He said grinning. Eventually we reached a large house. Nate parked and got out grabbing the beers. Lights flashed from the backyard and loud music blared on speakers.

"You ever been to a high school party?" Nate asked as we walked through the front door.

"Not like this," I said. The world focused in as we walked inside. People smoking everywhere. Kegs and alcohol everywhere. I watched and laughed as someone did a line of coke off a window seal.

"Welcome to Easthigh," Nate said as we walked through the house.

"Blair!" I heard a girl squeal and run towards me. Cassie wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. She was clearly intoxicated. Nate set the case of beers on the kitchen island.

"Hey man, Maddie's been looking for you all night, she's pissed," McKay said.

"Fuck," Nate muttered.

"Who's Maddie?" I asked.

"You tell her, not me," McKay said.

"My fucking ex," Nate said quietly walking away.

"Things didn't end to well between them, they both went all psycho on each other, but oh girl Maddie's going to be real mad that you're here," Cassie said walking back over to McKay.

"What do you mean?" I asked laughing.

"Well you and Nate are clearly going to fuck or something, I mean y'all are fucking neighbors," Cassie said.

"No, no way, if he has problems with his ex there's no way I want to get involved, plus i've never even had a boyfriend," I said.

"Well, Nate is definitely someone interesting to start with," McKay said laughing. A tall skinny girl walked in and grabbed a beer. Ripping off the lid she took a large sip. We all watched in confusion.

"Have y'all seen Rue?" The girl asked.

" No sorry Jules," Cassie said. The girl looked at me.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Blair," I said smiling.

"You're hot as fuck," she said drinking more beer. I tilted my head and pursed my lips. McKay nodded slowly in confusion.

"K bye," she said walking away.

"Well that's Jules," Cassie said smiling as she leaned into McKay.

"Rue's her insane drug addicted girlfriend, or I guess, ex-girlfriend?" Cassie added. I nodded slowly.

"I have to pee," I said walking away. I opened random doors. Most were just people hooking up or doing drugs. I opened the last door I could find. A girl sat in the bathtub smoking a blunt.

"Can I pee, please," I asked.

"Go for it," the girl said. She was pretty. Her hair was dark brown and wavy. I shut the door and sat in the toilet. Listening to the muffled music I looked over at the girl.

"I've never seen you before," the girl said lifting the blunt to her lips.

"I just moved here yesterday. I'm Blair," I said reaching my hand out.

"I should probably wash my hands," I said pulling my hand back. I stood up and washed my hands.

"I'm Rue," she said.

"Oh," I said nodding.

"Let me guess they told you all about me," she said exhaling smoke.

"Nope, just the bad things," I said laughing and drying my hands.

"You're funny, I like you," she said smiling.

"You don't seem like a psycho drug addict," I said walking closer to her.

"Oh trust me, I am," she said laughing. I smiled and sat down in the bathtub next to her.

"What some?" Rue asked. I debated it.

"Why the fuck not?" I said taking it from her fingertips and placing it to my lips. I inhaled the smoke and handed it back to her.

"So why the hell did you move to this shitty town?" Rue asked.

"My mom got some opportunity here or something, I don't know to be honest," I said laughing.

"Well i'm glad you're here," Rue said smiling.

"Me too," I said patting her shoulder and standing up.

"See ya," I said walking out back into the party. The music blared as I opened the door and shut it.

"There you are," Cassie said grabbing my hand.

"Come on everyone's swimming," she said dragging me out to the pool.

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