34- Bail

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Blair would do anything for her friends. Anything. The love she had for them was unimaginable. It was her weakness but her strength.

I stood outside the jail leaning against my car. Looking up I saw a tall ginger walk out the door and look around. His eyes caught mine. Fez. I smiled softly. His smile lit up his face. I started running and jumped into his arms as I reached him. His arms wrapped around my back as he laughed softly. I set my head on his shoulder. I jumped off and stood in front of him smiling.

"Blair, I fucking missed you," He said smiling.

"God I missed you too," I said laughing.

"You're an angel for getting me out of this hell hole," He said. I laughed and hugged him again.

"I didn't need that money anyways," I said smiling.

"You're my best friend," Fez said draping his arm around my shoulder as we walked to my car.

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