28- Escape

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Blair was scared. But she didn't want people to know she was. As long as everyone thought she was okay, she would be.

I sat up in bed and looked at the wall. Day 1 of the trial. Nate Jacobs vs Blair Reima. I looked out the window at Nate. He was changing into a dress shirt. I stopped as he looked through the window at me. We just stared at each other. He knew he was guilty. I pursed my lips and eventually looked away. I walked over and into my closet and grabbed a black dress with a white shirt under. I left my hair curly and put on some mascara. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Geneva sitting on my bed. She looked up at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Why did you tell me?" She asked. I looked down.

"I was scared, I didn't know what to do," I said looking down.

"Blair, you tell me everything, but I barely know you anymore," she said angrily.

"G, trust me you don't want to know everything," I said grabbing a necklace and putting it on.

"Well you went from living this perfect life to going to court and I just, I need to know everything," she said waving her hands. I stared at her through the mirror.

"You want to know everything? Fine. One of the only people I trusted is in jail. Ash is dead. Rue overdosed while I hooked up with Elliot who is her drug dealing best friend. No I didn't cheat on Nate because we had broken up that day cause I got tired of his abuse. I walked into mom cheating on dad and now she's pregnant. Then I got back with Nate not because I wanted to but because i'm scared of him. Oh but wait, then he raped me," I said as tears fell down my cheeks. Geneva stared at me in shock.

"There, that's everything," I said turning back towards the mirror and putting my earrings on. I ignored the moment of silence before I felt arms wrap around me. Geneva rested her face on my back. I sighed and held her arms with mine.

"I'm sorry," she said crying. I shook my head.

"It's fine, it's all okay, I just need to focus on the trial right now," I said pulling my emotions together. I walked away from her and put on a pair of converse. I walked downstairs and looked at my mom and dad as they stood up when I looked at them.

"Ready? Do you need anything? Something to drink? Eat?" My mom asked. I looked at her and shook my head.

"Can you guys please not treat me like i'm a 5 year old?" I asked. They looked at me. I turned around and walked outside. I stopped as people with cameras stood outside.

"Blair? Is it true that Nate Jacobs raped you?"

"Blair Reima! Wasn't Nate your boyfriend?"

"Did you lie about Nate raping you?!"

I looked out at news vans and stepped back inside shutting the door.

"The drivers outside," my dad said.

"Yeah so is the news," I said. Zach grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He flipped to the local news channel.

"Today marks the start of the trial between Nate Jacobs and Blair Reima. Reima accused her now assuming ex-boyfriend, Jacobs of rape last Tuesday. Stay tuned for more."

"Holy shit," Geneva said.

"Turn that off," my dad said. Zach turned it off. Everyone looked at me. I took a deep breath and walked outside. I pushed my way through the crowds of cameras as they asked me questions. I looked over as some camera people rushed over to Nate and his family getting in their car. Nate and I made eye contact before he got in. I got in the car and leaned my head against the window. My family got in and silence sat in the air.

We reached the courthouse and got out. More cameras. Shoving my way into the courthouse we stood inside a waiting area. My lawyer walked up to me and shook my head.

"Avery McKay," she said. I shook her hand. McKay.

"Blair," I said giving her a soft smile.

"I believe you may know my son, Christopher?" she asked. Holy shit. I nodded and smiled softly.

"He's here supporting you, as a witness, and a friend," she said. I smiled.

"Blair, I want you to know that I believe you, and by God I am getting you justice," She said smiling. I thanked her.

"Today should be simple, mainly just some proof and reading, you won't be called to testify just yet," Mrs, McKay said. I nodded. She looked down at her watch.

"Read?" she asked. I nodded as we walked in. Everyone sitting in the audience looked at me as I walked in. Cassie, Maddie, Jules, Kat, Ethan, McKay, Lexi. It felt like everyone I knew was there. We went to our seats and sat down. The judge walked in and we all stood.

"My name is Judge Monroe. Good morning everyone, this marks beginning of Reima vs Jacobs."

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