11- "Elliot"

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Blair never had a problem pleasing people. She just naturally was able to have everyone be content with her. Her best skill was looking at someone and have them interested in her, guys and girls.

"You ready?" I asked Nate as he stepped out of the bathroom. His face painted like joker. I laughed as he slicked his hair back. He gave me a faint smile as he stepped closer to me. He looked down at the black leather outfit on my body.

"You look hot," he said grinning.

"So do you," I said laughing. He placed a kiss on my head and walked out as I trailed behind him. I sat in the passenger seat of his truck as he drove off. Diamonds by Rihanna started playing on the radio. I turned it up and looked out the window. He looked so sad, just tired. I placed my hand on top of his hand sitting on the center console. He looked over at me and smiled. He lifted up my hand and kissed it lightly. I laughed and looked forward again. Finally we made it to the party. As we walked inside people yelled.

"Jacobs!" The football guys yelled approaching him. He laughed and said hi. I laughed as they dragged him away. I immediately started looking for Rue. Walking in the kitchen Cassie sat on the counter making out with McKay. I grabbed a Coke and tried to be invisible.

"Oh, God, Blair hey," Cassie said laughing.

"Hey," I said dragging out the y.

"You look so good," She said smiling.

"So do you," I replied looking at her and McKays matching football uniforms.

"Have you seen Rue?" I asked.

"Yeah I saw her a couple minutes ago, she was talking to some guy with like bleached hair? Tattoos on his face? I've never seen him before, but she looked pretty rough, hopefully she doesn't overdose again" McKay said.

"McKay you can't just say shit like that," Cassie said slapping his shoulder lightly.

"Wait Rue overdosed?" I asked worried.

"Yeah like a couple months ago, it was pretty crazy, but she's been sober apparently since," Cassie said.

"Fuck," I said walking off. She fucking lied to everyone about being sober. Worriedly I walked down a hall calling Rue's name. I opened a bunch of doors hoping to see her. I walked back out to the living room where people were dancing. The lights flashed and fog filled the room.

"Hell yeah!" A guy screamed walking away from a fog machine. I saw a stair case and started walking over to it. I flinched as a tall figure stepped in the way.

"Jesus, Nate," I said looking up.

"Let's dance," he said slowly. He was clearly drunk.

"I cant I need to find Rue," I said.

"Rue?" Nate said laughing.

"Yes, Rue," I repeated.

"C'mon dance with me," Nate said grabbing onto my hips.

"Nate, no I need to find Rue, right now," I said pushing his hand off of me and trying to walk past.

"Fuck you," he said angrily shoving me back. I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him.

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