6- "Kiss"

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"Cheer tryouts are in the gym today after school" a announcement rang out. I grabbed my stuff out of my locker. Shutting it I flinched as Nate stood there.

"Jesus," I said shoving him back playfully.

"Sorry, so you ready for cheer tryouts?" Nate asked laughing as we walked down the hall.

"I mean I guess," I said tucking my hair behind my ear.

"You'll do great," he said. We parted ways and I walked into the gym. I quickly changed into shorts and walked over to the mats.

"You're fixing kidding me," a voice said. I looked over to see Maddy sitting and glaring at me.

"Maddy be nice," Cassie said sitting next to her. I rolled my eyes. There were about 20 other girls trying out. I was the last to go. I performed my routine. Everything was flawless. My yells to my back tucks, not a single mistake.

"Okay, we have the list, if we don't call your name then sorry," Cassie said.

"Avery Parker, Mia Moreno, Alexa Stark, Morgan Smith and Blair Reima," Maddy said.

"If we said your name stay back to get your uniform," Cassie said. I walked over to the table.

"Blair that was so good," Cassie said handing me the uniform. Maddy stared at me and looked back down at her paper.

"Thank you," I said smiling. I sat in my car and smiled. My flinched at a banging at my passenger window. I had put up the roof since it's supposed to rain.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled. Looking over I saw Rue standing there. I rolled down the window.

"Um, can you drop me off real quick at a gas station, it's super close I swear," she said.

"Yeah just get in before it starts pouring," I said. She opened the door and sat down.

"Nice car," she murmured.

"Thanks," I replied.

"You know you're the prettiest girl I think i've ever met," Rue said as I rolled up the window.

"You're just high," I said.

"No like actually, you're stunning," she said. I smiled and kept driving. Eventually I pulled up at a gas station. I parked.

"Thanks for the ride," Rue said getting out. A guy sitting on the counter looked over at me. Our gaze lasted for what felt like forever.

"Who's that?" the guy asked as Rue walked over to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could read their lips.

"Blair," Rue said. I pursed my lips and pulled out of the parking lot. The guys gaze still locked on me. He wasn't the most attractive man ever, and he looked older, but something about him was so, I can't even explain it. I eventually got home and walked in.

"How was your first day?" My dad asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good, I made the cheer team," I said setting my keys on the counter.

"Congratulation!" He said hugging me.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She had to do an interview in Washington so she'll be gone this whole week. And I have a major surgery in Illinois so i'll be gone for two nights, please don't do anything stupid, no parties or anything okay?" He asked pulling his suitcase along with him.

"I love you, be safe," he said hugging me. I gave him a faint smile as he left. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary for our parents to be gone. They leave unexpectedly all the time. Zach must be out and Geneva is probably up in her room. I flinched at a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone to read a text from Nate.

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