19- "Game Time"

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Blair was afraid of hurting people around her, maybe that's why she tried so hard to please other people. She kept peoples secrets, with the amount of stuff she knew she could expose everyone.

Nate's been an ass all week. I've made excuses for it just since tonight is the state final. I haven't talked to Cassie or McKay since that night. I don't even want too.

"It's almost time for the game to start," our cheer coach said rushing us out of the locker room. As we lined up the crowd starting cheering. One football player in between each of us. Nate stood in front of me. He led the line since he was captain. He seemed nervous.

"Hey, you're going to do amazing okay, if you guys are supposed to win, you will," I said grazing his arm with mine. After a moment of silence he hesitated before turning around and pulling me in for a hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waste feeling as they touched his football pads.

"I'm fucking freaking out," he said shakily.

"You're okay," I said comforting him. He pulled back softly and turned back around.

"I love you," I whispered right before we all ran out. The crowd cheered as the players ran out on the field. Eventually it was kickoff. We cheered as the ball flew through the air. A player caught it and started running. After a lot of playing it was the last 34 seconds in the 4th quarter. The game was 26 to 32. We had pretty much accepted the loss. The other team had just scored the touchdown so we kicked off and a player caught it. He started running and covered about 30 yards of field. Everyone held their breath as a group of other players ran up to him. Right before they tackled him he quickly threw the ball as far as he could. Nate sprinted into the endzone as fast as he could to catch it. Everyone watched in fear as Nate jumped up with one hand to try and catch it. 4.3.2. A player from the other team tackled him to the ground. Everyone gasped and looked for the ball. The buzzer rang out and everyone sighed as we all felt disappointment. We watched the other players on the field get angry and sad. The other player slowly got up. Nate lifted up his arm as the ball was revealed in his hand. Holy fuck. The crowd erupted into screams and cheers. The whole football team looked as the ref showed the approval for the touchdown. The football team cheered and ran towards Nate. The crowd screamed and everyone ran onto the field. The cheerleaders dropped their pom poms and ran to the field. Nate immediately turned to me and ran to me. I jumped up into his arms and he spun me around.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you," I replied smiling. I pulled my head back and placed a kiss on his lips. He slowly set me down and smiled at me. I watched as photographers came onto the field to take pictures. I looked back for a split second to see Maddy and Nate hugging. What the fuck. I watched as she placed a kiss on his cheek. Um okay. He smiled at her and walked over to me. A photographer ran over to us.

"Captain of the football team, captain of the cheer team, perfect couple, huh, mind if I get a picture for the newspaper," the photographer asked. Nate and I posed. His arm wrapped around my neck and my arms around his waist. We both smiled as the camera flashed. Nate and I hugged one more time before my dad walked up to me with a bouquet of flowers. I smiled and hugged him. My smile dropped as my mom walked up behind him. She stared at me awkwardly. I talked to them for a little while and they left after I said I was going to hang out with Nate. I looked over as McKay walked over towards me.

"Hey," He said awkwardly.

"Hi," I replied.

"We good? It was a one time thing, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're good," I said smiling and pulling him in for a hug. I saw Nate's face spark with jealousy and anger. I swallowed hard. Out of the corner of my eye Rue ran up to me. I smiled and hugged her as tight as I could.

"Personally I think you won the game," Rue said laughing.

"Oh for sure," I said laughing.

"See you," she said smiling and walking back to Gia. I watched as she put her arm around Gia's neck and pulled her next to her as they kept walking. Nate walked over to me again and put his arm around my waste.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"You don't want to stay with the team for a while?" I asked.

"Nah, I just wanna spend time with my girl," He said. He didn't seem super happy and genuine when he said it. I smiled and nodded. Oh boy.

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