23- Curtains

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I stood in line waiting for Fez. The doors opened as I looked around for him. Following the crowd I sat down in my seat. I looked over at Jules who sat a couple seats away. My phone dinged as I looked back forward. I pulled it out of my pocket and turned off the ringer. Nate's name showed up on my screen.

Where are you?

At Lexi's play?

Fuck I forgot ab that i'm omw

I pursed my lips and looked up. The lights dimmed. I noticed that Fez's seat was empty. I quickly texted him and asked where he was. After no reply I started getting nervous. I knew he was in some deep shit right now. I had a bad feeling growing in my stomach. The curtains raised slowly as a small couch sat on the stage. Lexi and a light skin with curly hair sat there. As Lexi started talking I kept hoping Fez would walk in. The scene ended and we all cheered. A few scenes about Cassie and some with Maddie passed. I kept texting Fez and seeing no replies. A curtain raised and a hallway was revealed. A girl with long brown hair walked across the stage. She stopped at a locker and opened it. Marta and Hallie stared at her from down the hall. Marta rolled her eyes and scoffed. Hallie admired her. Ethan walked on the stage and leaned on the locker next to her. He bit his lip and looked down at her. She looked up at him. Lexi walked out of the corner and stood against the locker behind the girl.

"Maya didn't try to be the center of attention, she just was. She was naturally stunning, athletic, caring, smart. Every guy wanted to be with her, every girl wanted to be her." Lexi said looking over at me. Holy shit, Maya was me. I grinned softly at her. I looked over at Nate sat down next to me.

"But the one person who wanted to be with her most, was the last person that deserved her." Lexi added. As Maya and the man acting as Nate leaned in to kiss, the stage went dark. Nate looked over at me.

"What's this thing even about?" Nate asked. I shrugged and looked up at the stage. The curtains opened as it revealed Maya and the guy standing in the rain under a lamp post. Lexi and Jade sat on the edge of the stage.

"Maya never understood her worth, she just questioned it." Lexi said looking back at the actors. The guys yelled at Maya as music played. Lights flashed to represent thunder. Maya crossed her arms as the guys acting as Nate shoved her back. Lexi and Jade got up and walked over helping her up. I took a breath as Nate looked over at me. He knew it was about us. The guy who played Nate yelled something and stormed off.

"Maya deserves more, a caring guy, but that was for her to figure out." Lexi said. Nate grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my seat as the scene changed. He pulled me into a hallway.

"Was that about us?" Nate asked. I shrugged as he slowly hovered over me. I flinched as I backed into one of the lockers.

"Did you fucking tell her anything?!" He yelled at me. I stared at him and took a breath.

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled shoving me back.  I quickly slapped him across the face. He glared down at me and glided his tongue across his teeth. He chuckled softly and grabbed my chin with his hand.

"Listen up you little whore. I don't know what you think, but you don't deserve me. All you do is cause problems. This is why I fucking hate you," He said shoving my head back.

"This is it. Im done. We're done," I said pushing him back. I watched the rage fill his face. My phone buzzed. I shoved him back as I walked down the hallway. Fez was calling me.

"Hey? Where are you?" I asked.

"You need to get here now," Fez said.

"I'll be there in 10," I said.

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