31- Speak

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Blair wasn't really afraid of anything. She trusted herself and knew her truth. Even when she was nervous she could always keep it together. But now. Now things have changed. Who knows if she'll still be secure.

I opened my eyes as I felt chills hit my spine. A cold air drifted into the sheets as the sheets moved.

"Blair, wake up," A voice said softly. I looked up as McKay stood in front of me. I slowly sat up.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and smiled softly. I stood up and walked over to my suitcase. Opening it up I searched through it.

"Are you going to move the clothes into the closet? You're welcome too," McKay said.

"Thanks," I said. I grabbed the clothes and hooked them up in the closet with McKay's help. I grabbed a red dress and my white converse. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. McKay went into his room and changed. I grabbed my toothbrush. Shit, I didn't bring toothpaste. I studied the counter for toothpaste but didn't see any. I slowly slid the door open.

"Hey McKay do you have any toothpa-," I said, stopping as I looked at his shirtless appearance. He pulled a belt around his pants.

"Toothpaste? Yeah I got you," He said tossing me a small bottle of it. I grabbed it and put some on my toothbrush. I handed it to him and brushed my teeth. I tried not to glance at his abs. My heart racing as I felt him look over at me.

"Nervous?" He asked. Huh.

"What?" I asked nearly choking.

"For today," he added. I spit out my toothpaste.

"Um, a little, but not really," I said rinsing off the toothbrush. McKay nodded and pulled on a shirt. I pulled my hair into a braid. Grabbing my necklace I tried to put it on. I kept missing the loop.

"Shit," I mumbled.

"Do you need help?" McKay asked. I looked over at him.

"Please," I said. He walked over and grabbed the necklace. I got chills as he touched my neck. He looped the necklace and looked up at me in the mirror. I gave him a soft smile. He backed up a step and smirked before walking away. I held in my smile and took a deep breath.

"You guys ready?!" Avery asked from downstairs. I walked out and down the stairs.

"Okay, let's go," Ms. McKay said grabbing her coat and phone.

"It's storming all day today so," she added. I looked at McKay.

"Want a rain coat?" He asked.

"I'm good," I said walking out. We got into a car and drove off. Arriving at the courthouse we got out. I walked in and stopped as I saw Nate staring at me. Right before we walked in McKay looped his arm around mine. I looked over at him confused.

"I got you," he said smiling softly. I smiled and placed my hand on his arm. We walked in as people looked at us. Nate scoffed and turned back around. Everyone sat down as Judge Monroe prepared.

"The first witness today is Christopher McKay," she said looking up. McKay looked at me and stood up, approaching the stand, he sat down.

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