12- "Apologies"

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Apologies were uncommon for Blair. She was convinced she was always right. Forgiving people was harder. Especially when she loves someone who hurt her and has to forgive them.

I woke up with Rue's arms wrapped around my waist. I lifted my hands up and under my face. I looked at the blue material I was wearing. Fezco's hoodie. I forgot I never gave it back. I flipped over and faced Rue. She slowly fluttered her eyes open.

"What the fuck have I gotten myself into?" I whispered.

"A shit show," Rue said laughing softly. I placed my hand on her cheek. Her eyes were still closed. I pressed my forehead against hers and took a deep breath.

"At least I have you here for me," I said smiling.

"Always," Rue said smiling softly.

"Promise me you won't overdose as long as I walk the face of Earth," I said.

"I can't promise that," Rue said grinning.

"Promise me, please," I said.

"I promise," she said smiling.

"Pinky promise," I asked holding out my pinky.

"Pinky promise," Rue said interlocking her pinky with mine.

"My phones still in Nate's car," I said slowly standing up. I must have changed into pj pants last night.

"Don't go anywhere," I said pointing at Rue and leaving. I walked over to Nate's truck. I saw my phone sitting on the passenger seat. I tried to open the door but sighed when it was locked.

"Fuck," I muttered.

"Who's hoodie is that?" A voice behind me asked. I flipped around to see Nate standing over me.

"Doesn't matter," I said glaring at him.

"Tell me or else I won't unlock the car," he said stepping closer.

"Fuck you," I said. He stared at me.

"Nate just open the damn car," I added rolling my eyes.

"It's Geneva's," I said tilting my head.

"No it's not," He said.

"It's Fezco's, now open the damn car," I said caving.

"Take it off," he said. I squinted as my mind raced.

"Excuse me?" I asked laughing.

"Take the fucking hoodie off," He said.

"Open the car first," I said. He unlocked the car and watched as I grabbed my phone.

"Now take it the fuck off or I will," Nate said angrily.

"I'm not wearing a shirt under," I said quietly.

"I don't care," He said. I pursed my lips before I slowly took off the hoodie. I felt Nate's gaze on my skin.

"Give it to me," he said holding his hand out.

"No, i'm giving it back to him," I said.

"Don't worry, i'll make sure to give it back," Nate said grinning.

"Don't do anything stupid," I said sighing.

"Look i'm really sorry for how I acted last night, I was drunk and angry," He said placing his hand in my cheek. I really didn't want to forgive him so I didn't. But if I made him think I did then it will pretty much be the same. I smiled softly and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Want to come over tonight? My parents won't be here," He asked. I pursed my lips and thought to myself.

"Sure," I said.

"I love you," he said. Ew.

"I love you too," I replied. Double ew.

"Forever," he said. Shoot me.

"Forever," I said smiling and kissing him again.

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