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Edited on 05/05/23

Wind was a wild thing.

A calm thing.

And an unpredictable thing.

Much like life it's self.

But with wind you could tell where it was going, the same can't be said about life.

The rain continued to pour onto the girls' hair. Where the sun should've been shining, was now covered in dim grey clouds. Wind tousled her lose fitted clothes, making them flap against her bare skin.

Black scuffed sneakers hit the wet footpath, a squelching combination of wet socks and wet sneakers made you uncomfortable. The damp, yet cold combination on your feet made you shudder, you walked faster to get to the middle school.

Multiple umbrellas of different colours stood out in the grey and dim streets of central Seoul. But there was the occasional person running by with their jacket over their head or a briefcase above their hair.

Your hair stuck to your head as you entered the school's entrance, the familiar cracked ceiling met your eyes while the cracked wall met your back. It was one of those rare times when you had enough time, so you chose to spend it walking home with your brother, you came straight from your school. Your brother was old enough to walk from home to school and vice versa. You just thought it would be nice since the two of you hadn't done it in a while.

It's calming hearing the rain hit the roof, little pitter's and patters made a calming sound.

Feeling a soft nudge on your side, the cold of the damp clothes made contact with your semi-warm body, you shivered. Peering to the side, it was your brother.

His scruffy h/c was fluffy and slightly messed up, he wore his proper uniform to the middle school, something you only did rarely. His normal black school bag slung around his shoulders. In his hands he held a navy blue umbrella out to you.

Your eyebrow quirked up whilst taking the umbrella. You stood away from the wall and opened the umbrella up, once the brother walked beside her under the umbrella as they made their way home, they took their time walking.

"The weather forecast said it was sunny all day, yet you still brought an umbrella Chimp?" Your brother looked at you as he spoke, an annoyed sigh left his mouth.

"Stop with that name, it's outgrown now. I've learnt to never trust the weather forecast especially with the luck we have, also I had a small feeling." He rubbed his eyes, you could tell he was tired and slightly embarrassed by the name you've called him for many years.

You ruffled his hair, much to his disapproval. "I guess that's fair, let me know if you have that feeling again, so I don't have to walk around the streets like a drowned rat. Oh, and It's the oldest sibling's job to embarrass the youngest, didn't you know?"

"That's the reason I ain't telling you, walk around the streets wet you big Toad."

You faked a hurt expression bringing your hand not holding the umbrella up to your heart, "Hey! Thats offensive to toads, but if I'm a toad. Will you be the princess to save me?" You questioned with a soft smile.

Elijah, your brother looked at you in disgust. "You really weird y'know that right? You don't need anyone to save ya, you saved me and yourself." What Elijah said made you happy.

Your smile widened, and you slung an arm over your brother shoulders and cooed at how cute he was. "My baby brothers the best, I'm so blessed to have ya." He scoffed and forced your arm away, an embarrassed look could be seen on his soft features.

"Leave me alone." He grumbled as he began to walk faster making you pick up the pace as well, the two of you slowed down and talked about your day and all that. You walked until you reached your run down house on a run down street.

The two entered the house and Elijah made a b-line straight to the tap in the kitchen and grabbed a cup and began filling it with water.

"By the way, why'd you walk with me home, don't ya have class to teach?" Elijah asked while you stilled, shit you had class and work to go to.

"Shit! Your right." You quickly ran to your room and grabbed your works uniform and dobok nd chucked it into your bag. You popped out of your room and waved at Elijah.

"I'll be gone till late so don't wait up, I'll buy eggs on the way, and I'll say hi to Taehoon and Hansoo from you. See ya later, love ya." With that you slammed the door shut making Elijah flinch and drop his cup of water.

"That idiot. She needs a break." He glanced at the mess he made and sighed. The cup was already overfilled when it met the ground, it shattered when it met with the hard surface of the floor.

"Don't end up like this cup y/n."

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