9: Bathrooms stink

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Edited/re-written on 02/06/23

You were surrounded by the beeping of the arcade games around you, a huff of smoke came from the mouth of the boy next to you making you sigh.

"So he never got back to ya?" You semi-yelled into Taehoon's ear so he could hear you in the crowded room, he gave you a grunt as to say "yes". He slouched down into the metal chair and inserted a coin into the machine.

With a sigh, you plucked the vape from his hands and pocketed it, when you saw the look he gave you, you smiled at him. "Can't play with just one hand." He scoffed yet played the game with both of his hands.

The pixeled taekwondo character fought on the screen as your eyes gazed over it, his opponent being a bot. No one really liked going against Taehoon in this game, nor in person.

"Do ya actually need the channel for money? I mean Taehoon, Hansoo brings in good income, ya ain't poor nor rich. Let's not forget that yall be takin' his editor and cameraman." You looked at the screen with printed "WINNER" in a bold font.

He turned to look at you with a frown on his face, he opened it slightly only to close it. What you did not know was his reason behind wanted the channel, was to give the money to you. He stood up from the ground muttering out a few words.

"I'll be back." He disappeared into the men's bathroom, leaving you standing by the machine.

You thought nothing at the time, he was gone for a little under three minutes before you saw a very familiar dark-brown haired boy with a blonde boy following behind him charging towards the boys bathroom. The same one Taehoon had entered minutes prior.

"Well ain't that suspicious." Mumbling to no one you could only follow behind the boys. You were hoping to something that there wasn't anyone who was in the bathroom doing what was supposed to happen in a bathroom.

As you got closer to the scene you were relived to find that it was only the three boys, a splashing sound was made each time either Hobin or Taehoon made a move. Snapper stood behind Hobin filming the thing.

"Lesson one of how to fight. Make your opponent lose his cool." Hobin said holding up a hose that he had just spayed around the bathroom.

"Ya know what, asshole." Taehoon licked away the water on his lips, his hand brushed his hair off his face. "That worked."

"Lesson three of how to fight. How to win against a taekwondo athlete-" The hose in his hand sprayed water out once again, making the floor slippery. "-prevent them from kicking. Don't for get to like and subscribe"

Your own eyes widened as you stood next to Snapper, in the boys bathrooms entrance. Snapper flinched when he noticed you making you hold your hands up in mock surrender. "It ain't my fight." He relaxed slightly, yet not by much.

"Good plan, narrow space and making 'im unable to kick." You complimented Hobin's plan, he's clearly done some research, yet not enough. A sigh left your mouth, "Too bad it ain't gonna work."

[VHITBBG: What! Why not?"]
[Lean_bean: She's obviously trying to scare us!]
[COosh: Show us the women!]

Snapper looked at you with a raised eyebrow, still on guard. You took this as a chance to explain.

"Taekwondo ain't all about kicking, ya've forgotten Taehoon used to be a MAX FC fighter after all." With the sudden realisation. Snappers eyes turned to look at the fight.

Hobin's face was met with a one-two from Taehoons fist, the force behind the punch left a trail of blood from Hobin's nose, his body stumbled back as his legs shook from the sheer force of it all.

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