14: Master?

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Edited/re-written on 09/06/23

"Hey, since y'know, yer a year ahead of me, would ya mind giving me yer old study books?" You asked from beside a punching bag. You and Taehoon were just chilling in the dojang, having finished the work-out for the day.

Both your Doboks were slightly open, revealing a small bit of your cleavage from the black sports bra you wore.

From across the room, Taehoon scoffed, "Do I look like a nerd to ya." He laid down on the mat, doing some cool down stretches. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed, "No, more like an asshole." You dodged the incoming water bottle that was aimed at your head.

"I'm kidding, chill." You said, though on the inside you weren't. Taehoon sighed and stood up from the ground, "Why do ya even want 'em?" He asked and picked up two clean towels from the bench, tossing you one.

Catching the towel, you wiped the sweat from the back of your neck and chest. "My school has a test coming shortly, and I kinda haven't had time to study due to work, and helping a friend do taekwondo. So I was kinda hoping ya had a some old books that would make it easier."

From the corner of his eye, Taehoon looked at you, a small scoff left his lips. "After this, let's go back to my house, I may have some books there." A bright smile crept its way onto your face, you could've given him a hug if you weren't so sweaty.

"Have I ever told ya how much I appreciate ya , Taehoon." You cooed at him as you walked towards him to place the now sweaty towel on a bench. Taehoon tossed you his towel, which you caught just before it hit your face.

"Yeah, yeah." A soft smile made its way onto his face, but it left as soon as it came. As the two of you were going to talk about more stuff, but a soft knock came from the dojang's door.

Both you and Taehoon looked at each other before shrugging, and both of you went to answer the door. Reaching for the door handle, you grasped the cool metal and slightly pushed it down, and then pulled the door back.

Being the last of the two, to actually see who was at the door, you could tell from Taehoon's reaction that it wasn't someone he liked nor wanted to see, so once the door was fully pulled back, you were slightly surprised to see Hobin standing there with a backpack in front of his chest.

"What the hell?" Crossing his arms over his chest, Taehoon glanced down at the shorter male, who's eyes held determination in them.

"Ya've got some big balls coming over here." Leaning down to reach Hobin's face, Taehoon smirked, your eyes went slightly wide when you saw Hobin move his face closer. You could feel your cheeks heat up at this predicament.

"I want you to teach me." Hobin cooley spoke as if he wasn't talking to an ex-pro fighter. Returning with a cool voice, a sudden smirk made its way up to his face as Taehoon responded with, "Teach ya what?"

"Teach me how to do the back kick." Backing his head back from Taehoon's, you could tell he let out a breath of relief when Taehoon stood back at his height.

"Ya want Taehoon to teach ya how to do the back kick." You spoke which made Hobin look at you, well first at your exposed sports bra, with a wide-eyed flushed face he looked away and then meet your gaze, though his face was still a burning red.

Getting slightly ticked off at the shorter boys look towards you, Taehoon spoke again. "But I told ya, that if I see ya again, I'm gonna fuck ya up." And with that Taehoon preformed a perfectly strong back kick on Hobin's chest, more like bag, knocking the small boy to the ground in a coughing fit. His bag opened up, and thick textbooks fell out of it.

"I'm pretty sure I warned ya, or were ya planning to make yer next video about yer funeral?" You were going to help Hobin, but Taehoons arm blocked you, he side glanced at you and shook his head. You sighed, but crouched down to pick up the textbooks, Taehoon also crouched down, but only to inspect the textbooks.

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