11: Night of reveals

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Edited/Re-written on 05/06/23

TW: Fighting, domestic violence and toxic relationships

"Zoe! What the fuck is this."

A phone was soon shoved in front of the black-haired girls face. You held the phone up to her face with a concerned look flashing across your own face. On the screen it displayed Zoe wearing a revealing top and smiling into the camera.

"O-oh you know about that. Well I recently started streaming and I've been making a lot of money off it." Zoe sweated from her forehead as she swatted the phone away from her face.

Just then Daniel and Yui came in class together catching both you and Zoe's attention.

"Yui what do you think about fat people?" Daniel was bashful as he asked the question, one hand hooked with Yui's and the other rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is that important? People are people in the end of the day." Yui smiled at Daniel then turned to look at Zoe and sneered at her, as if she was the queen of this school.

With a scoff you placed your hands on Zoe's shoulders and turned her around to look at you.

"Look, we both know Yui is just a snake and as much as a bitch as I am. All I'm gonna say is that yer acting stupid and going about this the wrong way."

Zoe huffed and glared at you, she was offended. "Going about what the wrong way, I'm not acting stupid."

You could only sigh as she tried to defend herself, "Ya're acting stupid on that Paprika TV streaming platform, not only doing that but also putting yerself at risk of a creepy man or woman look at ya in the wrong ways. I can't tell ya what to do, but I recommend ya stop before ya put yerself in a situation that leads ya to getting harmed."

Zoe's eyes saddened as she looked at the pair who were linking arms and talking at Daniel's desk. "I doubt anyone would try anything, I can't let that bitch take him away from me."

Looking at Zoe you spoke. "Promise me that ya won't make a mistake and do stupid stuff on the internet any more."

Zoe looked back at you and thought for a second then sighed. "Fine, I promise I won't do anything that stupid any more."

But of course promises don't last long on lies.


The cool night air blew softly against your body, luckily you wore a pair of grey track pants plain white t-shit and a black windbreaker. It wasn't the best outfit but it was what you packed for you to wear after your shift, which had just finished. You were off to visit smaller Daniel at the corner store because why not? It wasn't super late and all.

As you walked the familiar path to the shop, you saw someone familiar going the same way. You called out to them.

"Hey! Zack!"

Hearing his name, the male turned around to witness you jogging towards him. He was confused to see you out this late yet stayed still and waited for you to catch up to him.

After catching up to the male, you smiled at him. "Hey, fancy seein' ya here. Ya out for a nightly stroll?" You questioned him as you started to walk forward beckoning for him to follow. He did and the two of you ended up walking at the same pace.

"Something like that, what about you? Its quite dangerous for you to be alone during this time of night." He looked slightly worried yet not much.

You laughed. He looked at you with confusion . "Zack, I get that. Though I'm a hundred percent sure I'll be alright. If it comes down to it I can handle myself. Thanks for being worried though."

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