18: Bald

898 72 4

Edited/re-writted on 11/06/23

After the whole ordeal finished and everyone came back to school for the end of the camp, only two students weren't there.

Zack and Mira.

"Well if we push past what happened at the end, It was a well done camp." The principle spoke up on the podium, it was getting close to evening and many parents were waiting to pick up their kid. Though the principle seemed to want to drag it out longer, it looked like he had something to attended but didn't want to go to it.

"Gosh, will he hurry up" Students half paid attention to the principle and half did not, they were more focused on getting home and eating a warm dinner waiting for the at home. All students stood in their class lines, their backs sore and all of them being physically tired.

The orange sky was a sign that the principle should wrap up the speech.

"Okay okay, you're all dismissed" The principle sighed, his doom awaited him now as he reluctantly left the podium.

Well that was simple.

A hurry of cheers and students picking their bags up from the ground could be heard from a mile away.

You reached for your bag on the ground and put in on and then your duffle bag and heaved that over your shoulders. The wind danced around the school grounds like the school was its own personal stage. A chill crept up your arms as you finished making sure you had everything.

A voice called your name from behind.

A smile paved its way onto your face as the two students made their way over to you. Sure you had a job to get to, but it could wait a while.

"Sorry for keeping you" Jace said with Vasco behind him in tow, the two had their bags slung over their shoulders as well. He offered you a sheepish smile.

You gave him a smile back, "It's fine, It feels like ages since I've seen ya two." You motioned at both Jace and Vasco, "How have ya guys been, the last time we saw each other was when we got the money back, could be wrong though."

"Yeah it has been a while, though the reason I, no we stopped you, was because -" Jace looked towards Vasco who was now beside him and holding a chocolate milk in his hands.

It looked as if Jace was encouraging Vasco to say something, as he kept looking over to the boy beside him, though Vasco looked like he didn't understand and let Jace continue.

With a sigh, Jace continued. "Vasco was wondering when you would be free for the date?"

You tilted your head and racked your thoughts for the word date, you had a date with Vasco?

Date....... Vasco...........Date.. With... Vasco?


Oh that was right, your eyes widened. Oh you felt horrible, you had completely forgotten about the date with all of these things happening in your life right now. It must've shown in your face because Jace started to speak.

"Y'know about the school festival?"

You nodded your head, well there would be no point in lying.

"I'm gonna be completely honest with ya right now, I forgot about it-" Vasco deflated and Jace looked at him with worry, " - and I feel absolutely horrible for it, it definitely has nothing to do with ya Vasco, trust me." He looked at you like a wounded puppy, oh you felt a hundred times worse now.

"I'm so sorry Vasco, everything in my life suddenly came down in a rush that it slipped my mind." His face was crestfallen, you thought about a day you were free, you had work today and Saturday, but none for Sunday.

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