2: Fight

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Edited/re-written on 07/05/23

TW: Fighting 

Really fucking loud

That was what was repeating in your mind basically the whole morning when you got into class.

Zacks fists had gone on another date with someone's face last night apparently, the class erupted into conversation as soon as Doo had mentioned it and was about to show the photo of the victim if it had not been for Daniel who came in.

You laid your head down on the hard surface of the desk, you knew it was a useless attempt to even try to get some sleep, but it would put your mind at ease for the mean time. You did your best to ignore the noise of the class and focused on what you would have for lunch.

It turns out that you didn't have to buy those ramen cups as Hansoo gave leftovers to Elijah from last night's dinner, meaning the two of you would eat them for lunch, all you had to do was reheat it in the microwave, and it'll be tasty and warm.

Jay glanced down at the girl who was obviously agitated by the noise, he was used to this though, he looked back outside the window.

Zoe made her talk with Daniel who seemed to be sweating next to Zack. He didn't seem to like sitting next to Zack any more.

"Oh come to think of it, that piggy's mother must also be a piggy. I mean pigs are born from bigs. Lol what if he brings his piggy mum.?" Doo laughed as he sat on his desk, next to him Kay made a disgusting face.

"Then I'm gonna strip 'em both naked, was she happy after giving birth to him? I would have had an abortion."


This dude was really starting to piss you off, many reasons in his so-called logic was flawed. Who the actual fuck would want to strip an old lady and her son together, that was so fucked up on so many levels.

"Ya dumbass, Ya can't have an abortion after ya've had the child." You muttered to yourself as you looked at Kay who was acting smug as if he had said the funniest and smartest thing in the world at the same time.

Jay who had heard you, smiled slightly as he looked out of the window like he always does.

"Hey you guys, you've gone too far."

All chatter seemed to silence, a few gasps came out of other people's mouths, but it was relatively quiet. It was like all school life had been sucked out of that one classroom because someone decided to open their mouth.

Many surprised expressions passed on people's face, uncomfortable ones and one of an angered expression.

The tension in the classroom made you sit up, you didn't feel comfortable missing what was about to happen. Shifting sounds came from beside you, it seemed like Jay was the same.

A not so sudden slamming sound came from the direction of where Zack was sitting, his desk flew into the air and crashed into the front of the classroom, smashing the teachers' podium into pieces.

"Hey. You're fucking funny you know that? Get up you fucking worm." A glare sent from Zack met the dark eyes of the new kid.

It was as the class forgot about the uncomfortable tension just moments before, yells of excitement reached other classes and soon a hoard of student from other departments and year levels gathered around the class chanting the words fight.

There were many students who decided to go and watch the fight while there were a couple of odd students who came only to see the hot new transfer student.

From your seat you smirked, the school had many fighters in it for example.

Euntae Lee, aka Vasco. The leader of the freshman group called Burn Knuckles mainly made up of freshmen architecture dept students. He was mainly known to protect the weak and his seriously strong death grip. You've only passed him in the halls a couple of times during first semester, and he always had this big ears guy round him.

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