15: Retreat

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Edited/re-written on 10/06/23

You passed the majority of the subjects that you were tested on. You were surprised when Daniel managed to get top score even when he fell asleep through some of the tests. It must be nice to be naturally smart.

After the tests and exams were over, the school decided it would be a great idea to go on a retreat, though nothing comes for free in life, so you obviously had to pay a fee, you were not going to go at first but Hansoo said he would cover the fees and take care of Elijah while you were gone, you really do owe that man a lot.

Obviously you refused at first but after a lot of convincing from both him and Taehoon you were forced to go to the retreat. You had to ring in and cancel your shifts for that week, though you did keep the night shift for the day you would be coming back.

Gaeul had texted you to ask if you wanted to hang out during that week, but you had to refuse sadly much to the girls' disappointment, you also talked to Hobin about his progress in taekwondo, he said that he would soon be able to do something about his problem. But you would never get to see the results of his training live, you would be at the retreat when he would fight his problem.

"Elijah, are ya sure ya don't want me to stay, I know ya can handle yourself, but ya've been skipping your classes and even taekwondo recently, just say the word and I won't go" You spoke to your brother, you were wearing a plain white t-shirt tucked into light blue denim shorts, you wore your regular sneakers and had a yellow sweater on.

"For the last time, I'll be alright, Hansoo is taking care of me anyway, just go on this retreat, have some fun, stop worrying about me all the time." He nudged the duffle bag you would be taking with his foot.

You ruffled his hair with your hand, you smiled as he tried to get away from it. "Elijah, it's my job to worry about ya, but seeing as I can't convince you, I'll go, just promise to stay out of trouble and stop skipping yer classes, if I find out ya do, I'll take something precious away from ya." You took your hand away from his hair and held a pinky out to him, he scoffed before connecting his pinky with yours.


With that you grabbed your duffle bag, you also wore a day bag which hung from both of your shoulders, you hoisted the duffle bag over your shoulders and pulled Elijah into a bone crushing hug.

"Call me if ya need anything, or call me if anything happens, stay safe please." You spoke into his ear, you bent your knees a little to give him the hug. He wrapped his arms around you and said "I will, don't worry."

You broke away from the hug, you walked outside, but before you closed the door you shouted at him.

"Love ya."

After you closed the door, you heard "I love you too." A smile crept its way up to your face as you continued your way towards the school.


You made your way to the school grounds, you passed the two posts and made your way to the field where the email the school sent out said to meet, you weren't early nor were you late, there seemed to be a ton of kids from your department there.

You noticed that Zoe was standing alone, she seemed to be lost in her thoughts. You made your way over to her, she didn't seem to notice you in front of her, so you just waited until she concluded her thoughts. You placed both the bags you had on the ground, so your shoulders could breathe.

While Zoe was in her thoughts you looked around at the different departments and their outfits, not that you would be judging them. Most of the fashion department went with a plain white t-shirt with a flannel or denim jacket over the top, sweatpants or jeans.

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