17: Help

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Edited/re-written on 11/06/23

TW: Attempted sexual assault, blood & fighting

When you arrived at the cabin, you weren't expecting to see, four unconscious students, one concerned one and three councillors in the cabin. The smell of alcohol was strong, as you could smell it from about 10 feet away, and it looked like Mira was getting told off by the three councillors.

The councillors notice that you were standing off to the side and one of them took the job to question you.

"You there, why weren't you in your cabin?" Zeus questioned, while looking over you to see if you were drunk or intoxicated.

Knowing that you couldn't exactly say you were calling someone you just made up a quick lie.

"I wasn't feeling that tired, so I went outside to get some fresh air, sorry about that." You shivered from the cold and also from his gaze, you had never felt more exposed than now, you were glad the cut in the tank top didn't go so low, you wondered about the others though, especially if that feeling returned tenfold when Zeus was around.

He looked at you suspiciously, he then shook his head. "I see, well hurry up and get in, well leave it up to you guys to take care of because you broke the rules, this is your punishment."

You hated the ways his eyes sparked up when he said punishment, if this continued you would definitely not ignore it, but it was late, you were tired and Mira looked like she was about to collapse at any moment.

"I see, sorry again, have a good night all of ya" You moved past the councillors and grabbed Mira's arm, lightly pushing her inside before bowing once and closing the door, there was a lock, so you locked it as well.

The lights were already on, and it looked like Mira had cleaned up the majority of the mess, you sighed before looking at each individual.

The first person you looked at was Zoe, who was passed out near her bed, her shorts were really short for this season. Another sigh left your mouth, you looked at Mira who was busy picking up the drinks and food splattered on the ground.

"Mira, I'll take care of them, would ya mind going into the cupboard and getting some blankets after cleaning up." Knowing she was tired, you felt guilty for asking, but this would be done quicker with two people's help, she nodded her head and cleaned even faster.

You made your way over to Zoe and rolled her on to her side on her bed, making sure if she did puke it could be on her side. Her pillow was being used by her, and then you grabbed the blanket and placed it over her, making sure to cover her from her shoulders and downwards, her feet were covered, one person down another four to go.

Next person was Yui who was completely passed out drunk, doing the same thing as you did with Zoe you moved her on to her bed and pushed her to her side.

Mira came black with three extra blankets, one for Zack, Daniel and lastly Jiho, you sighed and did the same for all of them, though it seemed like hours passed as you moved each boy into a spare mattress, you had put Zack and Daniel on the same one because there wasn't another, blankets went on, and soon the lights turned off.

Silence was a thing you were grateful at this time.

Too bad you wouldn't get it.


After an eventful morning (Zack and Daniel both getting yelled at and punched by you for snoring and making you not get a wink of sleep), you all got breakfast and made your way to the rafts where the rest of the class and councillors were waiting.

They got you all sorted into groups and off you went on the rafts, just what you needed right in the morning, going into a cold lake with that creepy feeling back again.

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