1: New kid

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Edited/re-written on 05/05/23

The hot September or cold September, depending on how you look at it had started and with that starting the second semester of J high school also came to a start much to many student's dismay.

New topics to study, even more work piled on top of more work. No more sleep in's meaning more grumpy students and sleep-deprived adults.

Oh, but this is still a high school, and where you have the word school there also is the word, bullies. Just like any school (unfortunately) J high has those bullies.

"Oi! G-hole who the fuck told you to stop fanning us." Kay, who was apart of the bullies glared at the boy who shuddered under the glare of Kay. He sat on top of his desk.

"S-sorry Kay." On his Knees, there was the boy known as "G-hole.", though his real name was actually Jiho. A first year in the fashion department and one of the lowest ranks in the school's hierarchy. The bread shuttle boy, or in simple words, a loser/nerd who goes and does what the others want.

"You pull that shit again and you're dead, got it?" Jiho nodded his head and waved his arms that held the book and made wind for the three students on the desk.

'It's only the first fucking day back, why does it have to be me, what did I do? They ain't even that strong, they just stay by Zack's side because of his strength.' Jiho glared at the floor while the others talked. On the first day of high school he was targeted by Zack and his goons, and since then has been their go-to person to beat up.

A warm hand was placed on his clothed shoulder making him flinch, the hand quickly wrapped around his under arm and pulled him up. Due to the shock of being pulled up, Jiho dropped the book making a clashing sound against the floor. Feeling no breeze, the trio of idiots looked at Jiho's way, Kay seethed in anger.

"What did I say G-hole?" Kay glared at the ground only to find Jiho's feet in front of another person's feet.

Slowly he looked up and saw a female figure, with her hand under the armpit of Jiho who was also looking at her.

That figure was you.

You wore the standard female uniform which composed of a long white blouse and grey pencil skirt. Though since it is the fashion department you can alter the uniform. So you took advantage of that and you wore your scuffled black sneakers, army green jacket and your earrings.

On the lowest part of the lobe, your first earrings were part of a pair that you brought. It looked like it was a grey stud at first glance but behind the ear was a small grey claw-like shape. They reminded you of the teeth of a sabre tooth-tiger. They used to match with someone else.

The other two on the lobes were just a simple black loop.

Your bag was slung over one shoulder as you brought Jiho up from the ground, you looked down at the three on their desks. It was the first day back and they acted like this school was theirs.

The three on desks glared at you, you who ruined their fun, you who was looking at them like they were nothing more than a pile of shit.

"Can't ya cut it out, it's only the first day and y'all are fucking around. You act like ya own this school." You released your grip from Jiho and bent down to pick up the book he dropped. The majority of the class quieted down and glanced at the commotion, the first for the semester.

"Is it me or has y/n grown taller."
"Yeah, look's pretty as well."
"Too bad she doesn't talk to many people."
"Great bod, not a good personality though."

They were really loud, so much for whispering, you picked the book and read the title.

'First year maths: Jiho Park'

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