22: Pawn

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A whopping $2,500 that was donated to Hobins channel was given to you. In total Hobin had earned about $5,700 from that stream but had to give all the amount that was donated to his channel but mainly for you and Taehoon lifting the viewers. Taehoon took about $500 hundred leaving you with $2,000.

"Wow, ya really do make a lot when doing so little." You mumbled, this wasn't directed to Hobin. No, this was directed to Taehoon and yourself. Showing up on camera for maybe 5 minutes, if that, and making 2K.

"What're you saying?" Elijah asked from the couch, a book lay flat on his stomach as he tilted his head back to look at you in the kitchen.

Turning away from the stove, you smiled at your brother, "Nothin', don't worry about it."

The house was warmer as you were just about finished boiling the soup. Turning back to your task at hand, you spoke to your brother.

"How do you feel if I give you cash and you and your friends can head to do karaoke or anything really as long as it's legal and in price range. You're fifteen in two days so what do you want."

There was a silent second before your brother replied.

"Sure, thanks."

With his reply you smiled and served up the homemade soup into bowls and grabbed the cut up loaf of bread with a small layer of butter spread on it.

"Great, dinners ready. Come get yours while it's hot." You called out to your brother as he sluggishly got up from his slouching position on the couch. He trudged his way over to you and grabbed his bowl and bread before walking back to the lounge and sitting at the small, low level table in the middle of the lounge.

You quickly checked that the element was off, then joined your brother at the table. You placed the soup down on the table, then sat on the ground.

"So how was school, any trips up and coming?" You questioned as you blew on your soup. Elijah looked your way before shrugging his shoulder and taking some soup into his mouth. It was a silent dinner, but that's what you and your brother liked.


"I'm sick and tired of this." Zoe pouted from her chair, she huffed and blew some of her hair out of her eyes.

Just before Zoe had spoken, Doo got all pissy with Zack and ended up stating that Zack doesn't think of anyone but slaves for him. Mira, Zoe and you watched from the back of the class, as the three of you were eating snacks provided by Mira.

"Once they get a bit of fame, it all gets in their heads." Zoe said as the others dragged Doo outside the classroom.

You could only nod your head to the girl as you ate the muffin that was given to you by Mira.

"He's only well known for doing dumb shit, that's not a good thing. But then again, if yer good at somethin' like that, then ya'd get a big head about it. A stupidly big head. Even though his contents crap." Zoe sighed and Mira nodded.

Mira glanced her eyes towards Zack, a look of concern flashed in her dark eyes. "I'm a little concerned for him, Zack I mean. He just sometimes has a hard time of showing his emotions to people. He does actually care for him."

She was talking about Doo, who stated that he only hung out with Zack because of convenience. Zoe and you nodded your heads along with Mira. Reaching a hand up to your ear, you fiddled with the claw-like earring.


It's been a couple of days, if not a week since the whole Doo and Zack situation. The two of them have stopped talking completely. Not only that, but Doo and this other kid named Taejoon, from the architecture department, have started taking shots at this famous streamer guy who you've never heard of before. Though apparently it's taken a turn for the worse as the popular streamer guy is now on the hunt for both of them. Which is why you find yourself in this situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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