6: Study date?

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Edited/re-written on 20/05/22

TW: Sexual harassment

Soft wind blew on the run-down house, not a sound was heard from the quiet street. But unlike the quiet street, the run-down house is soon to be a volcano of emotions. Its trigger? A classic game of Uno.

In the middle of the lounge there sat three people, two boys, and one girl. They sat in a small triangle as the brown-haired male put down a red four card, the younger boy followed by putting down a yellow four, then the female spiced things up a bit by putting down a +4 card and changing the colour to blue while saying "UNO".

The oldest in the house looked at the female, who happened to be you. You smirked at him as he looked at you whilst picking up four cards from the deck that was getting smaller.

Taehoon and Elijah's eyes met, they both did a slight nod and looked at their cards with a smirk of their own. You frowned, what were the two of them planning.

Just kidding, you've known them both for ages you knew how their simple minds worked.

You were actually really lucky that Elijah didn't just grow up with you as his parental role, he had Hansoo, Taehoon and you. It worked out well because when you were busy when you were younger Elijah would go over to Hansoo's he even still does it to this day. Hansoo's house is like a second house to you and your brother much like how the dojang is as well.

Your brother placed a blue skip card down, successfully skipping your turn. Taehoon followed by placing a +4 card changing the colour to red, Elijah placed a red +2 on top of the other card.

A single line of sweat fell from your forehead. Slowly, you swallowed the saliva making an audible gulp. Your eyes looked down at the card in your hand and back at the pile.


A smirk crawled up your face, a dark evil aura surrounded you from behind, the two boys stared at you in shock as you went and placed down your final card, a blue +2 card.

You see, you were playing by your own rules, where you could end on a power card. A taunting look replaced your smirk as you looked at the two boys.

The two of them looked at each other. They both knew that the moment their eyes met, that they couldn't turn this game around, so why play right into your hand.

In their minds they counted down from three





Taehoon threw a pillow at you making you close your eyes on impact, not expecting anything to be thrown at you. Swatting your dominant arm out of reflex, you managed to hit something but if definitely wasn't the pillow. It was harder and rougher than any pillow you own.

Harsh hands gripped both of your wrists forcing you to lean backwards, your clothed back met the rugged carpet. A sudden weight was on your waist and your hands were pinned above your head.

Weight was added onto your legs, not as much as it was on your waist but still weight nonetheless.

With a sigh, you opened your eyes slowly, only to meet with dark brown eyes already looking at you. Taehoons face was mere inches away from your own.

His dyed brown hair fell from his head covering his brown eyes slightly. Dark eyelashes made his eyes stand out even more as they looked over your face. His pale and clear skin glowed under the faint light as his pink lips parted slightly as his eyes gazed over your own face.

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