12: Hypocrite

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Edited/re-written on 06/06/23

A/N: I really didn't change much in this chapter so thats why it's bad

"Zoe, I'm glad that yer no longer streaming and all." You placed your hands on the girl's shoulders, "But why am I finding out that ya were in danger a couple of weeks after." You gave her a closed eye smile, though Zoe could tell you were pissed off.

Zoe gave you an awkward laugh while scratching the back of her head, offering a sheepish smile, she spoke "I forgot, sorry." You dead panned at the obvious lie that she told, you released her shoulders and let out a sigh.

"I'll forgive ya this time, but if something like this ever happens again, tell me, and I'll be there." Zoe smiled up at the girl who had now leaned down to her face. A small smile crept its way up to your face. "I've decided you're going to take Taekwondo lessons with me, I'll teach you the basics, so I know you can at least protect yourself even if it's just a bit."

"Huh?" Zoe blinked, you tilted your head to the side a little as you stood straight, "Problem?" you asked Zoe as she shook her head. "Great! I'll give ya lessons two times a week, each being an hour and a half long, we can meet at my house after school and on the weekend, I would let you do it at the Dojang, but there is a high possibility of Taehoon distracting ya if he's there." You looked at the time on the phone."I have a shift at the Dojang now, so I've got to go, I'll text you the details later, have a good rest of your day. buh-bye "

Zoe watched in confusion as you gathered your items and put them in your school bag, you ran out the door waving bye to people who waved bye to you. "I'm doing a martial art? And Y/n's my teacher?" The girl blinked once, then twice. 'I don't even know anything about Taekwondo, why did I agree?' She internally panicked at making a fool of herself in front of you.


The sound of cars, people and music from different stores, filled the street with noise. You had just made it to the town centre, Hansoo had sent you a text saying that he needed some more plasters 'cause a kid had cut themselves on something and asked you to get it because he was busy, and his son wasn't even reading his texts. He said he would take over your shift for the day and pay you back for the plasters and pay you for the shift.

"For a school day, it sure is busy here" You mumbled to yourself as you scanned the street for a store that may sell plasters, you noticed that a pharmacy was there, but next to it was a supermarket.

Having the knowledge of the prices before, you walked into the supermarket 'Supermarkets are always cheaper than the pharmacy, I'm sure he won't mind some cheap but good plasters.' You hummed and looked at the aisle headings for each aisle, stopping near the aisle that said plasters and first aid.

Walking into the aisle, you noticed that only a few people were there, an elderly man, a middle-aged woman and a high school boy. You walked over to the shelf with the plasters. 'Hansu didn't specify which kind he wanted, did he want the big ones, small ones or medium ones, he could even want the cloth bandage.' After a few minutes of debating in your mind, you decided to get the medium and small ones.

Crouching down to look at two brands of plasters, you compared the prices of them. 'This one's cheaper and had the same amount of plasters in it, but with the smaller ones, the other brand is cheaper but has less.' You were too deep in your thoughts that you didn't notice a figure creeping up from behind you.

Deciding to get two boxes of the medium cheaper ones and getting two of the cheaper smaller ones, you stood up only for the top of your head to connect with a hard object.

"Fuck" You spoke from the pain as you fell to your knees, your hands reaching up to your throbbing head to massage it, small tears pooled in your eyes, but you blinked them away.

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