21: Eyebrows

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A/N: Woohoo, All chapters are edited and re-written. But some of the chapters stayed the same with little changes while other just got completely re-written/re-worded. Now I will defineitely go back an edit spelling and all that but some of the chapters I was just tired so its not really good writing. Once again, thank you for being paitent while I re-wrote them, not sure when the next update will be but until then, stay safe and take care <3

Tw: Blood/fighting (Normal lookism/viral hit stuff.)

A week passed, and you talked over the offer with Hansoo, he did some research about the company and found that it shows a variant of sports from all around the region, nothing sketchy popped up when doing research about it.

Every month the company chooses three martial arts to focus on, though since MMA (mixed martial arts) is so popular, that gets shown almost every month. Hansoo gave you the choice if you wanted to do it, he said he'd support your choice no matter what.

So you've been thinking of this over the whole week. Something just didn't feel right about this. As much as it pains you to say, Taekwondo is not as popular as others so why now would a sports magazine want it to be featured. Also, that fact that she wanted you to say yes without talking to Hansoo put you off.

Taehoon found out about that Viral Hook dude and was obviously pissed, but what surprised you was that he didn't act out, which you were glad. There was a possibility that he didn't act out because heard you muttering how you were going to beat viral Hook up and crush his tiny balls is you ever saw him again. He slightly shivered and smirked at that.

But since a week passed, you no longer needed to wear the sling and could now use your other arm, you just had to make sure not to use it for hard physical activity

Also, this whole week had just been a horrid week for the transfer student, not only did the males bully her, the females did too, and the leader of it being Yui. Why? Well because apparently Crystal was being a slut and hanging around Zack and Daniel when Zacks only talked to her once and Daniels been the one trying to hang out with Crystal.

"Hiding behind people is a real sissy move." The door to the window cubicle opened, and you came out from behind the door, you hated the smell of smoke, so you tried your best not to breathe it in as you walked over to the sink to wash your hands.

Yui called out your name in surprise as she dropped her cigarette onto the bathroom's floor, the other girls beside her looked at you with wide eyes.

"W-what's that supposed to mean?" Yui hopped down from the window in the bathroom, she glared at you, it was quite pathetic.

You scoff as you wet your hands, "What it sounds like, yer hiding behind people as they target Crystal, everyone can see it. Everyone knows." You look at yourself in the mirror as you do this, so you can't exactly tell what expression Yui is making, but you could take a guess.

Yui was silent for a bit before speaking, the others in the room held their breath, especially the one in the bathroom stall.

"So what, that fat bitch shouldn't be hanging around people who aren't on her level, she's hogging Daniel and Zack." Yui glared at you once more, you sighed.

Using the soap dispenser, you pushed it and got the foamy soap on your hands. You focused on washing your hands as you spoke again, not even attempting to look at Yui.

"So yer letting ya inferiority complex control you to make someone's life miserable. Hogging? From what I've seen, Crystal has only talked to Zack like one or two times and if ya open yer eyes, Daniel is the one who's been talking to Crystal, just like he talked to Jiho and Duke. He went to them, not the other way round." You rubbed your hands together making sure to wash away the germs from your hands.

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